PREFACE ix // ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xvii // I INTRODUCTION // !. Science: An Honorable Enterprise Congress and the Financial Support of Scientific Research 28 // II PERSONAL BIOLOGY 3I // 2. A Perspective on Human Life 35 The Cell 58 Cell Division 61 // DNA—Structure and Replication 62 DNA—Protein Synthesis 64 The Genetic Code and Mutation 65 Amniocentesis 66 Atoms and Radiation 68 Radiation and the Unborn Child 74 // 3. Life: An Instant-Thick Snapshot 76 // Muscles 111 // The Lymphatic System 114 // The Hemoglobins 115 // The Pituitary-Hypothalamus Connection 117 // The Liver 118 // Feedback 121 // 4. Energy for Life 123 Equilibria 146 Biogeochemical Cycles 148 Alternatives to Oxygen 152 // 5. Water and Heat 155 // Heat Transfer 165 // Water, a Special Substance 166 Survival at Sea 168 // 6. When Things Go Wrong 170 // Antibiotics 187 // Immunoglobulins (Antibodies) 190 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Voltaire (1694-1778): On Inoculation 196 Some Nonbacterial, Nonviral Diseases of the Third World 198 // III COMMUNITY BIOLOGY // 7. Populations 207 Metrical Traits 22.J Population Growth and // Its Limitation by the Environment 231 Epidemiology 232 A Manmade Epidemic among Australian Rabbits 234 // 8. Selection: Natural and Artificial 237 // 9. Evolution 256 Chromosomal Aberrations 278 Continental Drift, // Land Bridges, and Wallace’s Line 279 // More on Ecological Convergence 282 Taxonomy and Systematics 284 // 10. Communities of Species 286 // Testing Goodness-of-Fit (Chi-square) 303 Island Biogeography 303 // IV BIOLOGY AND SOCIETY // 3?9 // 11. Human Variation 313 // Genetics and IQ: Fatal Flaws // in the Conventional "Wisdom" 331 // 12. The Origin and Maintenance of Human Variation 336 // 13. Human Communities 359 // 14. Community Problems: Community Solutions 377 // V EPILOGUE 403 // 15. QuoVadis? 405 // SUGGESTED READINGS 425 INDEX 433