CONTENTS // Prologue, Douglas Tompkins ?? // Acknowledgements ? // Introduction, Andrew Kimbreil xi // PART ONE // CORPORATE LIES: BUSTING THE MYTHS OF INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURE Seven Deadly Myths of Industrial Agriculture 3 // Myth One: Industrial Agriculture Will Feed the World 6 // Myth Two: Industrial Food Is Safe, Healthy, and Nutritious 10 Myth Three: Industrial Food Is Cheap /5 // Myth Four: Industrial Agriculture Is Efficient 79 // Myth Five: Industrial Food Offers More Choices 23 // Myth Six: Industrial Agriculture Benefits 28 // the Environment and Wildlife // Myth Seven: Biotechnology Will Solve the 32 // Problems of Industrial Agriculture // PART TWO // THE AGRARIAN AND INDUSTRIAL WORLDVIEWS // /. Understanding the Agrarian Ethic // The Whole Horse: The Preservation of the Agrarian Mind, 39 Wendell Berryr // Agricultural Landscapes in Harmony with Nature, 49 // Joan Iverson Nassauer // Global Monoculture: The Worldwide Destruction of Diversity, 58 Helena Norberg-Hodge // Farming in Nature’s Image: Natural Systems Agriculture, 65 Wes Jackson // II. Understanding Industrial Agriculture // Hard Times for Diversity, David Ehrenfeld 77 // Machine Logic: Industrializing Nature and Agriculture, 87 Jerry’ Mander // Industrial Agriculture’s War against Nature, Ron Kroese 92 // The Impossible Race: Population Growth and the 106 // Fallacies of Agricultural Hope, Hugh H litis // PART THREE // INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURE’S TOXIC TRAIL // I. Technological Takeover // Artificial Fertility:
The Environmental Costs 121 // of Industrial Fertilizers, Jason McKenney // Hidden Dimensions of Damage: Pesticides and Health, 130 Monica Moore // Untested, Unlabeled, and You’re Eating It: 14S // The Health and Environmental Hazards of Genetically Engineered Food, Joseph Mendelson III // Nuclear Lunch: The Dangers and Unknowns of Food Irradiation, Michael Colby 161 // II. Ecological Impacts // Tilth and Technology: The Industrial Redesign 167 // of Our Nation’s Soils, Peter Warshall // Water: The Overtapped Resource, Mark Briscoe 181 // Our Forgotten Pollinators: Protecting the Birds and the Bees, 191 Mrill Ingram, Stephen Buchmann, and Gary’ Nabhan // Can Agriculture and Biodiversity Coexist?, 199 // Catherine Badgley // Wildlife Health, Kelley R. Tucker 208 // PART FOUR // ORGANIC