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(3) Půjčeno:3x 
1st publ.
Cambridge : Cambridge University, 1990
ix,172 s.

ISBN 0-521-27260-2 (brož.)
Cambridge handbooks for language teachers
Obsahuje rejstřík.
Bibliografie: s. 166-169.
Učitelé jazyků - testování - příručky učitelské
Contents // Acknowledgements vili Preface ix // 1 Teaching and testing 1 // 2 Testing as problem solving: an overview of the book // 3 Kinds of test and testing 9 // 4 Validity 22 // 5 Reliability 29 // 6 Achieving beneficial backwash 44 // 7 Stages of test construction 48 // 8 Test techniques and testing overall ability 59 // 9 Testing writing 75 // 10 Testing oral ability 101 // 11 Testing reading 116 // 12 Testing listening 134 // 13 Testing grammar and vocabulary 141 // 14 Test administration 152 // Appendix 1 Statistical analysis of test results Appendix 2 165 // Bibliography 166 // Index 170 // 155 // Index // achievement tests, 10-13, 53-5 ACTFL (American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages), 20, 89-91, 103-4, 110, 115 // Adams, M. L., 113 addressees, 49, 53, 81, 118, 135 administration of tests, 152-4 Alderson, J. C. 8, 20, 21, 43 alternate forms estimate of reliability, 32 // analytic scoring, 91-7, 110-13 Anastasi, A. 28, 43 Anderson, J., 91-4 aptitude, language, 6-7 ARELS (Association of // Recognised English Language Schools), 109, 114, 115, // 138 // authenticity, 15 // Bachman, L. F., 28, 115 backwash, 1-2, 10, 11, 22-3, 44-7, 51, 61-2, 141 Baker, R., 163, 164 benchmark scripts, 97 Berkshire Certificate of Proficiency in German, 17-18 Byrne, D., 84 // Canale, M., 21 Carroll, J. B., 7, 20-1 cheating, 62, 154 cloze, // conversational, 67-70 modified, 144-5, 146 summary, 122-4 (type) tests, 55-6, 62, 63-70, 71, 129, 144-5, 146 // communicative language testing,
19-20 // completion items, 143-4, 146 Conrad, C. A., 64, 74 CPE (Cambridge Proficiency Examination), 10, 67, 74 Criper, C, 28 // criterial levels of performance, 45, 50-1, 54, 56, 103, 118-119, 135 criterion-referenced testing, 17-19, 45-6 // Crystal, D., 140 C-test, 62, 71, 129 // Davies, A., 2, 21, 28 Davy, D., 140 definition items, 148, 150 Dexter, C., 145 diagnostic tests, 13-14 dictation, 56-7, 62, 71-2, 139 direct testing, 14-16, 45 discrete point testing, 16-17 distractors, 59, 61, 162 Downie, 161 // Ebel, R. L., 20 // ELTS (English Language Testing Service), 25, 28, 87-9 ETS (Educational Testing Service), 84-5 // face validity, 27 facility value, 161-2 FCE (First Certificate Examination), 10, 143 // Fletcher, P., 34, 164 format, 50, 54, 55-6, 104-5 Frith,]. R., 113 // FSI (Foreign Service Institute), 110 // 170 // Index // gap filling items, 149, 150 Garman, M., 69, 74 GCSE (General Certificate of // Secondary Education), 46, 47 Godshalk, F. I., 20, 75 grammar, testing of, 141-6 Greenberg, K., 5 guessing, 60-1 // guided short answer items, 122 // Hamp-Lyons, E., 100 Hannah, J., 122 Harris, D. P., 86, 91 Heath, 161 histogram, 156-7 holistic scoring, 86-91 Hudson, T., 164 // Hughes, A., 5, 20, 21, 28, 34, 69, 74, 98-100, 140, 164 // 1LR (Interagency Language // Roundtable), 17, 20, 103-4, 110 imitation, 109 // indirect testing, 14-16, 26-7 information transfer, 84, 124-5, 138 integrative testing, 16-17 interpreting, 108 interview, 104 item // analysis 160-4 response theory
163-4 -test correlation 160-1 writing 51-2, 55, 56-7, 120-30, 136-9, 143-5, 147-50 // Jacobs, H. L., 100 // JMB (Joint Matriculation Board), 83, 124-5, 130 // key, scoring, 52, 55, 56-7 Klein-Braley, C., 71, 74 Krahnke, K. J., 8 Krzanowski, W. I., 164 // Lado, R., 15, 32, 43, 74 language of items and responses, 129 // Language Testing (journal), 20 // Limb, S., 128 // listening, testing of, 134-40 Lynch, B., 164 // mean, 155-6 Michigan Test, 18-19 moderation, 51-2, 55, 56 monologue, 109-10 Morrow, K., 21, 28 multiple choice, 2-3, 59-62, 120-1, 137, 149 // norm-referenced testing, 17-19 notes as basis of writing task, 85 note taking, 139 // objectives, 10-13, 46 objective testing, 19 Oiler, J. W., 21, 28, 64, 72, 73, 74 operations, 49, 53, 76, 77, 101, 116-18, 134-5 options, 59 oral ability, 101-15 overall ability, 63 Oxford Higher, 10 Oxford Preliminary, 10, 131 // Palmer, A. S., 28 paraphrase items, 143, 146 peers, interaction with, 105 pictures, use of, 83-5, 107, 149 Pilliner, A., 20 Pimsleur, P., 7 placement tests, 14, 55-7 Popham, W. J., 20 pop quizzes, 13 Porter, D., 21, 28, 74 practicality, 8, 47 pretesting, 52, 55, 57 proficiency tests, 9-10, 141 progress achievement tests, 12 purpose of testing, 7 // Raatz, U., 71, 74 Rasch analysis, 163-4 reading aloud, 110 // testing of, 53-5, 116-33 // 171 // Index // referents, identifying, 129 reliability, 3-4, 7, 29-13, 60, 157-60 coefficient, 31-3, 157-9 scorer, 3-4, 35-6, 51, 59, 86, 97 role play, 107-8 // RSA (Royal Society of
Arts), 50-1, 58, 76-80, 81, 103-3, 107, 108, 126-8 // Savignon, S. J., 115 scoring, 51, 54, 59-60, 86-100, 110-14, 131, 139, 145-6 Shohamy, E. 115, 133 short answer items, 121-2, 137 Skehan, P., 7, 20 skills, 53 // specifications, 22, 49-51, 53-5, 55-8, 75-81, 101-5, 116-19, 134-5, 142, 147 // split-half estimate of reliability, // 32-3, 158-9 Spolsky, B., 5 standard deviation, 156 // error of measurement, 33-5, 159-60 // Stansfield, C. W„ 8 // stem, 59 // Streiff, V., 74 // subjective testing, 19 // Swain, M., 21 // Swan, M., 131, 133 // syllabus-content approach, 11-12 // synonym items, 148 // tape recordings, 105, 139 TEEP (Test of English for // Educational Purposes), 58 test-retest estimate of reliability, 32 texts, selection of, 119-20 // text types, 49, 53, 75, 81, 101, 118, 135 // timing, 50, 54, 55-6 Timmins, N., 123 // TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), 5, 10, 15, 19, 45, 58, 86 // topics, 50, 53, 75, 81,118, 135 // Trudgill, P„ 122, 140 // true score, 33-5, 160 // TWE (Test of Written English), 5, // 45, 86 // UCLA ESLP (University of California at Los Angeles English as a Second Language Placement) Test, 65, 72 Underhill, N., 115 unfamiliar words, guessing meaning of, 129 unique answer items, 121 unitary competence hypothesis, 62-3, 74 // validity, 22-28 coefficient, 24-5 concurrent, 23-5 construct, 26-7 content, 22-3, 27, 51, 77, 81, // 141 // criterion-related, 23-5, 45-6, 57 predictive, 25 and reliability, 42 vocabulary, testing of, 146-50 // Walter,
C, 133 // Weir, C. J., 21, 28, 58, 66 // West, M„ 151 // writing, testing of, 75-100 // Woods, A. J., 34, 43, 163, 164 // 172

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