Contents // List of Figures and Tables vii // Acknowledgements ix // The Words We Use xi // Glossary of Abbreviations xiii // 1 International Social Work Practice and Education in a Globalized // Postmodern World 1 // 2 Globalization, Postcolonialism and Postmodernism: // Conflicts and Connections 9 // 3 Critical Reflection to Promote Contextual Social Work Practice and // Education 31 // 4 Racism, Social Exclusion and Cultural Translation 47 // 5 Knowledge Production: What is Valid Knowledge? 63 // 6 Social Work’s Identity in Postmodern Agencies and Universities 79 // 7 Piloting through the Challenges of Globalization 103 // Exchanges and Cross-national Activities: Broadening the Mind 119 // 9 Technology-based Social Work Education and Practice 137 // 10 Conclusion 153 // Bibliography 159 // A uthor Index 181 // Subject Index 185