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Bibliografická citace

0 (hodnocen0 x )
1st pub.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007
2 sv. : il. ; 27 cm

ISBN 978-0-521-61960-8 (učebnice ; brož.)
ISBN 978-0-521-61958-5 (CD)
Obsahuje slovníček
Soubor: učebnice a set 5 audio CD
příručka. 2007. 192 s. -- Audio CDs. 2007. 5 CD
Contents // Acknowledgements 5 // About this book 6 // Section A Getting started // 1 Accents (1): Varieties of English 8 // 2 Accents (2): English as an international language 10 // 3 Finding out about pronunciation (1): dictionaries 12 // 4 Finding out about pronunciation (2): online resources 14 // 5 Pronunciation in slow and fast speech (1) 16 // 6 Pronunciation in slow and fast speech (2) 18 // Section ? Pronunciation of words and phrases // Consonant clusters // play, grow, splash Consonant clusters at the beginning of words 20 // 8 jump, next, glimpsed Consonant clusters at the end of words 22 // 9 abstract, next Friday Consonant clusters within and across words 24 // Stress in words and phrases // 10 .controversial and controVERsial Word stress and prominence 26 // ’comfort and ’comfortable Suffixes and word stress (1) 28 // accelerate and ac. cele’ration Suffixes and word stress (2) 30 // . ex’treme and ex’tremity Suffixes and word stress (3) 32 // 14 dis’organised and .recon’sider Prefixes and word stress (1) 34 // 1 b ’subway and ’superpower Prefixes and word stress (2) 36 // 1 6 ’newspaper and .absolute ’zero Stress in compound nouns 38 // 1 7 ’hair-,raising and .hard-’working Stress in compound adjectives and 40 // in abbreviations // 1 8 .closed-circuit ’television and ’sell-by date Stress in longer compound nouns 42 // 1 9 ’dream of and ’live for One-stress phrasal verbs 44 // 20 ,hang a’round and .look ’up to Two-stress phrasal verbs 46 // Stressed and unstressed
syllables // some, the, from, etc. Weak forms of function words 48 // Well, YOU do it then! Prominent function words 50 // calcu/o/late and calcu/o/late Vowels in unstressed syllables in content words 52 // 24 listen, bottle, politician, etc. Syllabic consonants 54 // Foreign words // déjŕ vu, angst, tsunami Foreign words in English 56 // Section C Pronunciation in conversation // Features of fluent speech // onewevening, stopwnow, gowaway, etc. Linking sounds 58 // 17/ get it, These Ve mine Contracted forms 60 // 2 8 I’m not sure, Not sure, ’m not sure Ellipsis and ‘near ellipsis’ 62 // last night, I haven’t seen her Leaving out consonant sounds (1):/t/ 64 // an old car, a bottle of water Leaving out consonant sounds (2): /d/, /h/, /1/, /v/ 66 // average, novelist, happening Words that lose a syllable 68 // English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced) // 3 // Organising information in conversation // 32 //we stuck a picture//of an elephant// Breaking speech into units 70 // 33 //it’s BLUE//DARK blue// Prominent words in speech units (1) 72 // 34 // I’ve always been terrified of SPIders// Prominent words in speech units (2) 74 // 35 //i’ll beLIEVE it when I SEE it// Fixed phrases and idioms in speech units 76 // 36 she’s got an ESSay to write Non-prominence on final‘empty’content words 78 // 37 I can’t STAND the stuff Non-prominence on final vague expressions 80 // 38 just help yourSELF; Throw it to ME Prominence in reflexive and 82 // personal pronouns
Intonation in telling, asking and answering // 39 I’m quite busy ? at the moment ? Falling and rising tones 84 // 40 They taste great IB, these biscuits IK Tails 86 // 41 Great film W, wasn’t it It? Question tags 88 // 42 What I don’t understand is how it got there ¦ Cleft sentences 90 // 43 Finding out or making sure? Questions (1) 92 // 44 Wasn’t it terrible S? Are you crazy ?? Questions (2) 94 // 45 ‘I paid €200,000 for it.’‘??? ???/; ??’ Repeat questions 96 // 46 Although I was tired ?, I couldn’t get to sleep ¦ Ciomparisons and contrasts 98 // 47 ‘You were asleep in the class!’ ‘i t WASn’t asleep ®.’ Contradictions 100 // 48 you couldn’t carry it upSTAIRS for me IBB? Requests and reservation 102 // 49 On the whole , it went very well Attitude words and phrases ( 1 ) 104 // 50 She just forgot, presumably S? Attitude words and phrases (2) 106 // How embarrassing ? Ni ! Exclamations 108 // Intonation in managing conversation // 52 Mhm, Right, I see Keeping conversation going 110 // 53 On top of that... WM; Anyway... ? Adding information and 112 // changing topic // Section D Pronunciation in formal settings // 54 Before she left school// she started her own business Dividing prepared 114 // speech into units (1) // 55 One of the paintings// he left to his sister Dividing prepared speech 116 // into units (2) // 56 Lima - as Fm sure you know *** - is the capital of Peru Pronunciation 118 // of inserts // 57 We expected profits to drop, but they
? rose Step-ups - contrasts and 120 // new topics // 58 The headteacher, Mr ? Lee, will be talking to parents Step-downs - adding 122 information and ending topics // 59 Small, medium, and large Tones in a series of similar items 124 // 60 ‘Politicians are the same all over...’ Level tone in quoting and 126 // building suspense // Section E Reference // El The phonemic alphabet: Practice 128 // E2 Consonant clusters: Further practice 132 // E3 Word stress: Further practice 136 // E4 Glossary 140 // E5 Further reading 143 // Key 144 // Key to phonemic and other symbols 192 // 4 // English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced)

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