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(13.5) Půjčeno:27x 
3., rozš. a přeprac. vyd.
Praha : Karolinum, 2011
320 s. ; 23 cm
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ISBN 978-80-246-1996-5 (brož.)
ISBN 978-80-246-2347-4 (e-kniha)
Obsahuje bibliografie
The first edition of this book, published in 2002, aimed to complete the study material for our students of American literature. The third edition strives to emphasize this aspect while expanding and deepening the general overview as well as including other important movements and authors. The exposition of the 20th century underwent major changes: the scholars added new texts while supplementing the older ones to comply with the development of critical and academic approaches. The book is written to the point and in comprehensible language, corresponding with the ambition to present and explain the development of one of the most interesting world literatures to university students.
První vydání této knihy, které vyšlo roku 2002, si kladlo za cíl doplnit studijní materiály pro naše studenty americké literatury, třetí vydání se snaží tento aspekt zdůraznit a zároveň rozšířit a prohloubit obecný přehled a zahrnout další významné směry a autory. Ve výkladu 20. století došlo i k podstatným změnám. Autoři přidali nové texty a starší doplnili v souladu s vývojem kritických přístupů a akademického pojetí. Kniha je napsaná účelným a srozumitelným jazykem, korespondujícím s ambicí předložit a vysvětlit vysokoškolským studentům vývoj jedné z nejzajímavějších literatur světa..
Vydavatel: Univerzita Karlova v Praze
Popsáno podle tištěné verze
Note on third edition // Introduction // AMERICAN LITERATURE: BEGINNINGS TO 1914 // 1 Historical Influences & Distinctive Features : Alien Reality of the New World, Religious Dissent, Polycentrism, Multiculturalism and Ethnicity // 2 Periodization of American Literature // 3 Earliest Monuments of American Literature : General History of Virginia, Of Plymouth Plantation // 4 The Shaping of the Puritan Self : John Cotton and Antinomianism, Poetry and Private Life: Anne Bradstreet, Survival and Damnation: Rowlandson and Wigglesworth, Triumphs and Traps of Baroque Sensibility: Taylor and Cotton Mather // 5 The Eighteenth Century: The Great Awakenings & the Enlightenment : Jonathan Edwards, First and Second Great Awakenings, Benjamin Franklin // 6 Revolution & the Early Republic : Declarations of Independence, Revolution and Religion, The Republic of Letters, American Utopias, American Utopias and Voluntary Association, Colonial Times in Retrospect // 7 Inventing the Indians : William Cullen Bryant, James Fenimore Cooper, Simms & Longfellow // 8 American Gothic : Charles Brocken Brown, Edgar Allan Poe // 9 American Transcendentalism : Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau // 10 Late Romanticism : Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville // 11 The Birth of Modern Poetry : Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson // 12 Mark Twain, the Tall Tale, & Local Color // 13 Fictions of Realism and Consciousness : William Dean Howells, Henry James, William James // 14 Naturalism : Henry Adams, Frank Norris, Stephen Crane, Theodore Dreiser, Jack London // 15 Abolitionism & African-American Literature from Beginnings through the Harlem Renaissance : Abolitionism, Frederick Douglass, Washington and Du Bois, Harlem Renaissance // 16 Women’s Literature before World War I : Margaret Fuller, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Gilman and Others, Chopin and Cather, Edith Wharton // 17 Works Cited Beginnings to 1914 //
TWENTIETH-CENTURY AMERICAN LITERATURE // 18 Modernism, 1910 –1930 // Theater : Tendencies in American Theater at the Turn of the Century, The New Stagecraft and the Little Theatres, The Washington Square Plays and the Theatre Guild, The Provincetown Players, Eugene O’Neill, American Modernism on Stage // Prose Fiction : Ernest Hemingway and the Consequences of War, The Lost Generation and F. Scott Fitzgerald, Willa Cather, Sinclair Lewis // Poetry : Rupture and Continuity, Ezra Pound and Imagism, The Cantos, T. S. Eliot, Eliot’s Later Poetry and Criticism, Robert Frost, Hart Crane // 19 The Political Turn, 1930–1945 // Popular Culture, Beginnings to 1945 // Theater // Poetry : Marianne Moore, William Carlos Williams, Wallace Stevens // Prose Fiction : William Faulkner and Southern Literature, Social Themes, John Steinbeck, Nathanael West, Henry Roth, Zora Neale Hurston // 20 Explosion, 1945–1970 // Popular Culture // Theater // Prose Fiction : Southern Literature, Jewish-American Literature, African-American Prose, The Beat Generation, John Updike and Small Town America // Poetry : The New Critical Style, Robert Lowell, Sylvia Plath, Elizabeth Bishop, James Merrill, John Ashbery, Adrienne Rich // 21 Aftermath, 1970–2000 // Popular Culture // Theater // Prose Fiction // Poetry : The Disappearing Mainstream, Formalism and Beyond, Robert Pinsky, Jorie Graham, Reginald Shepherd and New Lyricism // 22 Works Cited Twentieth Century

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