ISBN 9781848162594 (ebook) (ebook) ISBN !9781848162587 (chyb.) ISBN !1848162588 (chyb.)
Series on advances in bioinformatics and computational biology ; v. 9
Tištěná verze: Applications of fuzzy logic in bioinformatics. London : Imperial College Press ; Hackensack, N.J. Distributed by World Scientific, 2008 ISBN 9781848162587
"Many biological systems and objects are intrinsically fuzzy as their properties and behaviors contain randomness or uncertainty. In addition, it has been shown that exact or optimal methods have significant limitation in many bioinformatics problems. Fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic are ideal to describe some biological systems/objects and provide good tools for some bioinformatics problems. This book comprehensively addresses several important bioinformatics topics using fuzzy concepts and approaches, including measurement of ontological similarity, protein structure prediction/analysis, and microarray data analysis. It also reviews other bioinformatics applications using fuzzy techniques." "Readership: Postdoctoral fellows, students, senior investigators and professional practitioners/bioinformatics experts. Also used as a textbook for upper undergraduates and graduates in bioinformatics."--BOOK JACKET.