Tištěná verze: Wahde, M. (Mattias). Biologically inspired optimization methods. Southampton, UK ; Boston, MA : WIT Press, c2008 ISBN 9781845641481
Obsahuje bibliografie a rejstřík
Introduction -- Classical optimization -- Evolutionary algorithms -- Ant colony optimization -- Performance comparison -- Neural networks -- Analysis of optimization algorithms -- Data analysis -- Benchmark functions -- Answers to selected exercises
"The advent of rapid, reliable and cheap computing power over the last decades has transformed many, if not most, fields of science and engineering. The multidisciplinary field of optimization is no exception. First of all, with fast computers, researchers and engineers can apply classical optimization methods to problems of larger and larger size. In addition, however, researchers have developed a host of new optimization algorithms that operate in a rather different way than the classical ones, and that allow practitioners to attack optimization problems where the classical methods are either not applicable or simply too costly (in terms of time and other resources) to apply."--P. [4] of cover.