Acknowledgements xi // Introduction i // Chapter 1. What is statistics? Main statistical notions and principles 7 // 1.1 Statistics and statistics 7 // 1.2 How to formulate and test your hypotheses 8 // 1.3 What statistics cannot do for you 15 // 1.4 Types of variables 16 // 1.5 Summary 18 // Chapter 2. Introduction to R 21 // 2.1 Why use R? 21 // 2.2 Installation of the basic distribution and add-on packages 22 // 2.3 First steps with R 24 // 2.4 Main types of R objects 30 // 2.5 RStudio 32 // 2.6 importing and exporting your data and saving your graphs 32 // 2.7 Summary 40 // Chapter 3. Descriptive statistics for quantitative variables 41 // 3.1 Analysing the distribution of word lengths: Basic descriptive statistics 41 // 3.2 Bad times, good times: Visualization of a distribution and detection of outliers 50 // 3.3 Zipfs law and word frequency: Transformation of quantitative variables 62 // 3.4 Summary 68 // Chapter 4. How to explore qualitative variables: Proportions and their visualizations 69 // 4.1 Frequency tables, proportions and percentages 69 // 4.2 Visualization of categorical data 72 // 4.3 Basic Colour Terms: Deviations of Proportions in subcorpora 80 // 4.4 Summary 85 // Chapter 5. Comparing two groups: Mest and Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests for independent and dependent samples 87 // 5.1 Comparing group means or medians: An overview of the tests 87 // 5.2 Comparing the number of associations triggered by high- and low-frequency nouns with the help of the independent Mest 89 // 5.3 Comparing concreteness scores of high- and low-frequency nouns with the help of a two-tailed Wilcoxon test 104 // viii How to do Linguistics with R // 5.4 Comparing associations produced by native and non-native speakers: The dependent one-tailed r-test no // 5.5 Summary 113 //
Chapter 6. Relationships between two quantitative variables: Correlation analysis with elements of linear regression modelling 115 // 6.1 What is correlation? 115 // 6.2 Word length and word recognition: The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient 116 // 6.3 Emergence of grammar from lexicon: Spearmans p and Kendalls r 130 // 6.4 Visualization of correlations between more than two variables with the help of correlograms 134 // 6.5 Summary 137 // Chapter 7. More on frequencies and reaction times: Linear regression 139 // 7.1 The basic principles of linear regression analysis 139 // 7.2 Putting several explanatory variables together: Predicting reaction times in a lexical decision task 142 // 7.3 Summary 169 // Chapter 8. Finding differences between several groups: Sign language, linguistic relativity and ANOVA 171 // 8.1 What is ANOVA? 171 // 8.2 Motion events in Nicaraguan Sign Language: Independent one-way ANOVA 173 // 8.3 Development of spatial modulations in Nicaraguan Sign Language: Independent factorial (two-way) ANOVA 182 // 8.4 Do native English and native Mandarin Chinese speakers conceptualize time differently? Repeated-measures and mixed ANOVA (mixed GLM method) 189 // 8.5 Summary 196 // Chapter 9. Measuring associations between two categorical variables: Conceptual metaphors and tests of independence 199 // 9.1 Testing independence 199 // 9.2 The story of over is not over: Metaphoric and non-metaphoric uses in two registers (analysis of a 2-by-2 contingency table) 200 // 9.3 Metaphorical and non-metaphorical uses of see in four registers (analysis of a 4-by-2 table) 215 // 9.4 Summary 221 // Chapter 10. Association measures: Collocations and collostructions 223 // 10.1 Measures of association: A brief typology 223 // 10.2 Case study: The Russian ditransitive construction and its collexemes 226 // 10.3 Summary 238 //
Chapter 11. Geographic variation of quite: Distinctive collexeme analysis 241 // 11.1 Introduction to distinctive collexeme analysis 241 // 11.2 Distinctive collexeme analysis of quite + ADJ in different varieties of English: // A unified approach 242 // 11.3 Summary 251 // Chapter 12. Probabilistic multifactorial grammar and lexicology: Binomial logistic regression 253 // 12.1 Introduction to logistic regression 253 // 12.2 Logistic regression model of Dutch causative auxiliaries doen and laten 254 // 12.3 Summary 275 // Chapter 13. Multinomial (polytomous) logistic regression models of three and more near synonyms 277 // 13.1 What is multinomial regression? 277 // 13.2 Multinomial models of English permissive constructions 277 // 13.3 Summary 288 // Chapter 14. Conditional inference trees and random forests 291 // 14.1 Conditional inference trees and random forests 291 // 14.2 Conditional inference trees and random forests of three English causative constructions 292 // 14.3 Summary 299 // Chapter 15. Behavioural profiles, distance metrics and cluster analysis 301 // 15.1 What are Behavioural Profiles? 301 // 15.2 Behavioural Profiles of English analytic causatives 302 // 15.3 Summary 320 // Chapter 16. Introduction to Semantic Vector Spaces: Cosine as a measure of semantic similarity 323 // 16.1 Distributional models of semantics and Semantic Vector Space models 323 // 16.2 A Semantic Vector Space model of English verbs of cooking 324 // 16.3 Summary 331 // Chapter 17. Language and space: Dialects, maps and Multidimensional Scaling 333 // 17.1 Making maps with R 333 // 17.2 What is Multidimensional Scaling? 336 // 17.3 Computation and representation of geographical distances 338 // 17.4 Computation and representation of linguistic distances: The Kruskal non-metric MDS 342 // 17.5 The Mantel test for distance matrices 348 // 17.6 Summary 349 //
Chapter 18. Multidimensional analysis of register variation: Principal Components Analysis and Factor Analysis 351 // 18.1 Multidimensional analysis of register variation 351 // 18.2 Case study: Register variation in the British National Corpus 352 // 18.3 Summary 365 // Chapter 19. Exemplars, categories, prototypes: Simple and multiple correspondence analysis 367 // 19.1 Register variation of Basic Colour Terms: Simple Correspondence Analysis 367 // 19.2 Visualization of exemplars and prototypes of lexical categories: Multiple Correspondence Analysis of Stuhl and Sessel 373 // 19.3 Summary 384 // Chapter 20. Constructional change and motion charts 387 // 20.1 The past and present of the future: Diachronic motion charts of be going to and will 387 // 20.2 Summary 393 // Epilogue 395 // Appendix 1. The most important R objects and basic operations with them 397 // Appendix 2. Main plotting functions and graphical parameters in R 409 // References 425 // Subject Index 433 // Index of R functions and packages 441 // The companion website can be found at: