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Second edition
Prague : Charles University, Karolinum Press, 2018
729 stran, 16 nečíslovaných stran obrazových příloh : ilustrace (převážně barevné), mapy, portréty, faksimile ; 24 cm
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ISBN 978-80-246-2227-9 (brožováno)
ISBN 978-80-246-3135-6 (online ; pdf)
Přeloženo z češtiny
"Second, enlarged English edition"--Tiráž
Chronologický přehled
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Introduction to the second edition /17 // I. Territorial Development and the Transformation of Landscape - Eva Semotanová // 1 The Formation of the Geographical Core of the Czech State /25 // 2 The Bohemian Crown Lands /30 // 3 Czechoslovakia in Central Europe /33 // 4 The Czech Republic in the Heart of Europe /38 // 5 Metamorphoses of the Landscape /39 // 6 Landscape of the Czech Lands in the Neolithic Age and Early Medieval Colonization /40 // 7 The Great Transformations of the Landscape in the Early Modern Era /42 // 8 Landscape in the Time of Industrialization, Urbanization and the Rise of Transport /46 // 9 The Landscape in Conflict with Modern Society /50 // II. Prehistory and Beginnings of Slavic Settlement (to the 8th Century) - Dušan Treštík // 1 The Significance of the Neolithic Revolution /57 // 2 Celts in the Czech Lands /58 // 3 The Transmigration of Nations /60 // III. Great Moravia and the Beginnings of the State (9th and 10th Centuries) - Dušan Treštík // 1 Beginnings of Great Moravia /67 // 2 Great Moravia between Byzantium and the Empire of the Franks /71 // 3 Political Unification of the Czech Lands /76 // 4 The Crisis of 1000 and Its Resolution /81 // /11 // IV. The Czech State in the Era of Premyslid Princes and Kings (from the Beginning of the 11th Century to 1306) - Dušan Treštík (1) a Josef Žemlicka (2-4) // 1 Consolidation of the Czech State in the Era of the Princes /87 // 2 Royal Titles and Their Historical Significance /100 // 3 The Czech Lands in the Time of the Great Colonization /103 // 4 The Realm of Premysl Otakar II and Wenceslas II /111 // V. The Expansion of the Czech State during the Era of the Luxemburgs (1306-1419) - Miloslav Polívka // 1 The European Dimension of Czech Politics /125 // 2 Society and Culture in the Era of the Luxemburgs /141 // 3 Before the Revolution /151 //
VI. The Hussite Revolution (1419-1471) - František Šmahel // 1 Beginnings of the Reform Movement /159 // 2 The Hussite Wars in the Years 1420-1434 /165 // 3 The Era of Restoration and Interregnums after Lipany (1434-1452) /174 // 4 Kingdom of Two Peoples /177 // VII. The Bohemian Crownlands under the Jagiellons (1471-1526) - Jaroslav Boubín // 1 The Czech-Hungarian Personal Union /187 // 2 The Estates and Society in the Jagiellon Period /191 // 3 On the Eve of the European Reformation /196 // 4 Education and Culture in the Jagiellon Era /199 // Vili. The Czech Estates in the Habsburg Monarchy (1526-1620) - Jaroslav Pánek // 1 Integration of the Czech State into the Central European Monarchy of Habsburgs /209 // 2 Land of the King and the Estates /214 // 3 Society and Culture in the Century Preceding the Thirty Years’ War /223 // 4 The Approach of Conflict and the Bohemian Estates Rebellion, 1618-1620 /238 // IX. Baroque Absolutism (1620-1740) - Jiří Mikulec // 1 Constitutional and Social Changes during the Thirty Years’™ War /255 // 2 Post-War Consolidation and Reconstruction of the Czech Lands /263 // 3 The Czech State as an Integral Part of the Habsburg Monarchy /270 // 4 Baroque Culture and Society in the Czech Lands /276 // X. Enlightened Absolutism and the Birth of a Modern State (1740-1792) - Martina Ondo Grecenková // 1 On the Way to the Centralized State /289 // 2 Enlightened Absolutism Reforms /296 // 3 Czech Enlightenment and the Beginning of the Civic Society /303 // XI. The Birth of the Modern Czech Nation (1792-1848) - Jan Hájek - Milan Hlavačka // 1 On the Threshold of a New Era in Czech History /313 // 2 General Development Features /314 // 3 Czech Lands as Part of the Habsburg Monarchy /317 // 4 The Beginning of Industrialization /320 // 5 Rise of Czech National Movement /327 // 6 Spiritual Background. Bohemian and Moravian Revivalist Culture /334 //
XII. Czechs during the Revolution and Neo-absolutism (1848-1860) - Milan Hlavačka // 1 The Rise of the Nations in the Habsburg Monarchy and its Consequences /345 // 2 The Birth of Czech Political Representation /352 // 3 Two Faces of the Neo-absolutism /355 // 4 Neo-absolutist Economic Policy /359 // XIII. The Definition of Czech National Society during the Period of Liberalism and Nationalism (1860-1914) - Pavel Cibulka -” Jan Hájek -” Martin Kučera // 1 The Renewal of Constitutional Life and Struggles for State Rights /365 // 2 Czechs and Germans - National Struggle s Aggravation /373 // 3 The Economic Rise of the Czech Lands /383 // 4 Culture in the Czech Lands in the Second Half of the 19th Century and at the Beginning of the 20th Century /389 // XIV. The Czech Lands during the First World War (1914-1918) - Josef Harna // 1 Reaction to the Start of the War /417 // 2 Foreign Actions /422 // 3 The Situation at Home During the War /424 // 4 The Balance of Forces /427 // 5 The Agony of the Habsburg Empire and the Czechoslovak Resistance /428 // XV. First Czechoslovak Republic (1918-1938) - Josef Harna // 1 The Building of a State /437 // 2 On the Path to Prosperity /444 // 3 Cultural Life in the Conditions of Democracy /450 // 4 The Economic Crisis Reflected in the Social and Political Spheres /458 // 5 The Threat to Democracy /463 // XVI. Czechoslovakia in the years after the Munich Agreement and in the Second World War (1938-1945) - Jan Gebhart // 1 The Consequences of the Munich Agreement on the Divided Territory /481 // 2 The Second Republic /485 // 3 The Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia /489 // 4 Anti-Nazi Resistance at Home and Abroad /491 // 5 Czech Culture during the War /498 // 6 The Final Stage of the War and the Restoration of Czechoslovakia /499 //
XVII. Czechoslovakia between Two Totalitarian Systems (1945-1948) - Jiří Kocian // 1 Post-war Changes /511 // 2 Life in Post-war Czechoslovakia /526 // 3 The Struggle to Maintain Democracy in Czechoslovakia /533 // XVIII. The Establishment and First Crisis // of the Communist Regime in Czechoslovakia (1948-1958) - Jiří Pernes // 1 The Coup detat of February 1948 /543 // 2 Fundamental Changes in the Political and Economic Nature of the Country /551 // 3 First Crisis of the Communist Regime and Its Resolution /564 // XIX. Communist Czechoslovakia on a Journey from a Consolidation of Totalitarianism towards a Liberalization of the Regime (1959-1967) - Jiří Pernes // 1 The Consolidation of the Totalitarian Regime in the Late 1950s /575 // 2 Attempts to Reform the Economy and Liberalization of the Regime in the Mid-1960s /582 // XX. The Half-Life: the Communist Regime’s Greatest Crisis (1967-1971) - Oldřich Tůma // 1 The Prague Spring /593 // 2 The August Invasion and Its Consequences /609 // 3 The Restoration of Order /619 // XXL The Second Consolidation of the Communist Regime and the Descent into Collapse (1972-1989) - Oldřich Tůma // 1 The Normalization Regime /625 // 2 A New Type of Anti-regime Opposition /633 // 3 Degeneration and Collapse /638 // XXII. Czechoslovakia’s Return to Democracy (1989-1992) - Jiří Suk // 1 The Velvet Revolution /647 // 2 Political Development in the Period of Transition (January-June 1990) /650 // 3 The 1990 Parliamentary Elections. Seeking a Solution to the Czech-Slovak Question. The Principal Problems of the Renewed Democracy (June 1990-June 1992) /657 // 4 Parliamentary Elections 1992. The New Division of Power and the End of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (July-December 1992) /671 //
XXIII. Czech Republic 1993-2004 - Tomáš Zahradníček // 1 Building on the Czechoslovak Traditions /681 // 2 The Main Features of Domestic Political Development /683 // 3 Economic Reforms and Disputes over their Evaluation /689 // 4 Society in Transformation /694 // 5 Attempts at New International Involvement /697 // List of Abbreviations /703 // List of Illustrations, Tables and Maps /705 // Czech Republic, State Representatives /711 // Frequently Used Geographical Names /714 // Territorial Development of the Czech Lands (Maps) /717 // Index /719

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