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Prague : Karolinum, 2016
1 online zdroj (272 stran)
Externí odkaz    Plný text PDF (Bookport) 
   * Návod pro Bookport 

ISBN 978-80-246-2588-1 (online ; pdf)
ISBN 978-80-246-3042-7 (online ; epub)
ISBN 978-80-246-2215-6 (brožováno)
Přeloženo z češtiny
Kniha Rétorika v evropské kultuře i ve světě vymezuje postavení rétoriky v systému kultury a vzdělanosti od starověku po dnešek. Zkoumá pokles jejího významu v období racionalismu a osvícenství, uvádí příčiny, v jejichž důsledku byly rétorice (redukované na soustavu řečnických triků) přisuzovány negativní konotace, a vysvětluje, proč si rétorika ve 20. století dokázala své pozice znovu vydobýt. Dokládá, že prestiž rétoriky prudce klesá, když je redukována na recept k rafinovanému klamání publika, a naopak stoupá, když se chápe jako vědecká disciplína, která se vydává napříč humanitními obory – filozofií, logikou, sémiotikou, literární vědou, lingvistikou, naukou o médiích apod. V tomto pojetí rétorika usiluje o všestranné poznávání a kultivování řečového projevu, mluveného i psaného, a to nejen jeho produkce, ale i recepce a interpretace..
INTRODUCTION ...9 // History of Rhetoric - A Motionless History? ...9 // 1. THE ORIGIN OF RHETORIC IN ANCIENT GREECE ...24 // The Search for Tcchnc ...24 // Protagoras’s Agonistic Rhetoric ...29 // First Teachers ...31 // Ancient Rhetoric as a Model of Persuasive Communication ...33 // Plato’s Unending Dispute with Rhetoric ...34 // Isocrates’s Programme of Rhetoric in Service of Political Culture ...38 // Aristotle as Ancient Rhetoric’s Pinnacle ...41 // On the Art of Persuasion in Rhetoric to Alexander ...47 // 2. HELLENISTIC AND ROMAN RHETORIC ...50 // The Birth of Hellenistic Philology ...50 // Rhetorical Instruction in the Hellenistic Period ...54 // Hermagoras of Temnos and the Stasis Theory ...56 // Rhetoric in Ancient Rome ...60 // Rhetorica ad Herennium (Ad C. Herennium de ratione dicendi libri quattuor) . 61 // Cicero’s Perfect Orator as a Citizen, an Advocate of Law and a Politician .. 65 // Quintillian’s ...Oratory ...70 // Pliny the Younger and Tacitus on the Role of Rhetoric in Imperial Rome ...73 // The Second Sophistic and Hermogenes’s Rhetoric as a Stasis System ...77 // 3. RHETORIC AND MEDIEVAL CHRISTIAN CULTURE ...84 // Rhetoric and the Seven Liberal Arts Allegory in Martianus Capella ...93 // Augustine of Hippo - Preacher, Rhetorician, Polemicist ...94 // Topica Boethii - Rhetoric in Service of Dialectics ...99 // Cassiodorus’s Encyclopaedic View of the Christian World ...102 // Isidore of Seville and the Origin of Scholastic Education ...104 // Rhetoric as Part of Grammar: The Venerable Bede ...105 // Alcuin of York: a Teacher of Wisdom and Eloquence ...107 // Artes Praedicandi: The Art of Preaching in the Middle Ages ...108 // Artes Dictaminis: The Art of Rhetoric’s New Face ...114 // Artes Poetriae: Theory and Practice of Written Discourse ...122 // Rhetoric in Medieval Byzantium ...130 //
4. FROM HUMANISM TO THE ENLIGHTENMENT // Rhetoric during Humanism and Renaissance ...134 // Lorenzo Valla, a Renaissance Philologist ...137 // George of Trebizond ...139 // Byzantine Rhetoric after the Fall of Constantinople ...140 // Rudolphus Agricola ...143 // Rhetoric in the Works of Desiderius Erasmus ...144 // Philipp Melanchthons Authority of Protestant Rhetoric ...148 // Petrus Ramus and Omcr Talon. The Tradition of Philippo-Ramian Rhetoric Books ...150 // Francesco Patrizi’s Perfetta Rhetorica ...155 // 5. BAROQUE RHETORIC IN SERVICE OF THE CHURCH ...158 // Soarcz’s Jesuit Rhetoric ...161 // Caussin’s Figures, Symbols and Emblems ...162 // Jesuit Rhetoric in Bohemia and Poland. Bohuslav Balbin ...163 // Protestant Rhetoric and Preaching Textbooks ...164 // Bartholomaeus Keckermann and the Gdansk Rhetoric ...165 // Vossiuss Rhetoric of Rhetorical Affects ...166 // Comenius’s Brethren’s Rhetoric ...167 // Religious, Political and Cultural Prerequisites for the Rhetorical Boom in Russia and Ukraine ...172 // 6. SCHOLARLY COMMUNITY REPLACED BY THE REPUBLIC OF LETTERS. PHILOSOPHY VERSUS RHETORIC AT THE THRESHHOLD OF A NEW ERA ...177 // Bacon’s Polemical Dialogue with Rhetoric ...178 // Hobbes’s Rhetoric as a Political Weapon ...181 // Bernard Lamy’s Cartesian Inspirations ...182 // 7. TASTE NORMS AND CRITERIA IN 18TH-CENTURY RHETORIC ...186 // Fénelon’s Rhetoric as an Art of Portraiture ...187 // Du Marsais and His Project of Philosophical Rhetoric ...188 // Vico’s Institutiones oratoriae and Project of a “New Science” ...189 // Rhetoric, Teaching Refined Taste (Bouhours, Rollin, Dubos) ...190 // Adam Smith and Scottish Rhetoric ...192 // Rhetoric in Spain and Gregorio Mayans ? Siscar ...196 // Philological Orientation of Rhetoric in Germany - Johann Christoph Gottsched ...198 //
Lomonosov and the Development of Classicism in Russia ...200 // 8. RHETORIC IN THE 19TH CENTURY ...203 // Friedrich Nietzsche and the Philosophy of Rhetoric ...206 // 19th-Century Rhetoric in France. Fontanier’s Semantic Theory of Tropes and Figures ...208 // 19th-Century Rhetoric in England. Whately, Bain, Spencer ...211 // Jungniann s Slovesnost as Rhetoric for Readers’ Edification and Taste. 213 // 9. RHETORIC IN THE 20TH CENTURY ...217 // Rhetoric - Inspiration for Language, Literary and Philosophical Discourses ...220 // Rhetoric in the United States against Barriers in Communication ...222 // Rhetoric since the Mid-20th Century in Germany and Austria ...227 // Theory of Argumentation in the Work of Chaim Perelman and Stephen Toulmin ...229 // Rhetoric in the Second Half of the 20th Century in Romance Countries . 231 // 10. OTHER RHETORICAL THEORIES AND OTHER CULTURES ...235 // EPILOGUE ...251 // NOTES ...252 // SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ...255 // NAME INDEX ...264

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