Front cover -- Contents -- Preface -- A Daughter’s Letter to Anatomy Students -- Introduction -- The Humanity of Anatomy -- Block I -- Back and Spinal Cord -- I. Back -- II. Deeper Back Muscles and Spinal Cord -- Upper Limb -- I. Shoulder -- II. Axilla and Arm -- III. Flexor Forearm -- IV. Palm -- V. Extensor Forearm and Dorsal Hand -- VI. Joints of the Upper Limb -- Block I Bold Terms -- Block I Reflections -- Block II -- Thorax and Root of the Neck -- I. Thoracic Wall -- II. Pleural Cavities and the Lungs -- III. Mediastinum and Heart -- IV. Posterior and Superior Mediastinum -- V. Anterior Triangle and Root of the Neck -- VI. Posterior Triangle of the Neck -- Block II Bold Terms -- Block II Reflections -- Block III -- Head and Neck -- I. Face -- II. Interior of Skull and Brain Removal -- III. Orbit and Eye -- IV. Temporal Region -- V. Retropharyngeal Region -- VI. Pharynx -- VII. Tongue and Nasal Cavity -- VIII. Palate, Mouth, and Nasopharyngeal Wall -- IX: Larynx -- X. Ear -- Block III Bold Terms -- Block III Reflections -- Block IV -- Abdomen -- I. Anterior Abdominal Wall -- II. Scrotum, Spermatic Cord, and Testis -- III. Peritoneum and Peritoneal Cavity -- IV. Bile Passages, Celiac Trunk, and Portal Vein -- V. Superior and Inferior Mesenteric Vessels -- VI. Removal of the GI Tract -- Block IV Bold Terms -- Block IV Reflections -- Block V -- Posterior Abdomen -- I. Posterior Abdominal Structures -- II. Posterior Abdominal Wall -- Pelvis and Perineum -- I. Pelvis -- II. Transection of Abdomen and Splitting of Pelvis -- III. Urogenital Triangle -- Lower Limb -- I. Anterior and Medial Thigh -- II. Gluteal Region and Posterior Thigh -- III. Popliteal Fossa and Leg -- IV. Sole of the Foot -- V. Joints of Lower Limb -- Block V Bold Terms -- Block V Reflections -- Post-Lab Pause -- Sources.
Incorporates etymology, history, art, drawing, and reflective writing to support medical students in the integration of the science and humanity of anatomy..