Section 1: Introduction and Overview.- Introduction -- ’Queering’ Criminology and the State of the Field -- Section 2: Crime, Victimization, and LGBTQ Communities -- Prevalence and Incidence of Anti-Gay Hate Crime and Harassment -- Bullying and Suicide Risk -- Gay Gang-and Crime-Involved Men’s Responses to Anti-Gay Harassment and Threats of Violence -- Sri Lankan Nachchi Sex Workers’ Experiences and Responses to Descrimination -- Same-Sex Domestic Violence -- Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Street Harassment -- Section 3: The Juvenile and Criminal Justice Systems and LGBTQ Communities -- Police Relationships with LGBTQ Populations -- Police Abuses Against Transgender Sex Workers -- Gays and Lesbians on Trial -- Courts, Corrections, and Individuals Who Are Transgender -- LGBTQ Youth and Adults in Juvenile and Adult Facilities -- Legislative Changes and Effects on LGBTQ Individuals -- Criminal Justice Responses to Lesbians and Gays in the Global Context -- Section 4: Crime, Public Health, and LGBTQ Communities -- Unprotected Sex in Sex Work -- The Nexus of Drug Use, Prostitution, and Homelessness Among LGBTQ Youth and Adults -- Criminalization of HIV/AIDS Transmission -- Nexus of Crime and Health Issues -- Conclusion.