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Bibliografická citace

0 (hodnocen0 x )
(1.5) Půjčeno:3x 
1st publ.
London : Longman, 1990
127 s.

ISBN 0-582-74625-6 (brož.)
Longman keys to language teaching
Obsahuje rejstřík
Dotisk v roce 1997
Angličtina - vyučování - testy - příručky
Preface 5 // Introduction 6 // Writing classroom tests 6 // Two basic principles 6 // Words of caution 7 // Discussion 8 // Reasons for Testing 9 // Finding out about progress 9 // Encouraging students 10 // Finding out about learning difficulties 11 // Finding out about achievement 13 // Placing students 15 // Selecting students 16 // Finding out about proficiency 17 // Activities 18 // Discussion 22 // Writing and Using Tests 23 // Should we write our own tests? 23 // How often should students be tested? 23 // Drawing up a test framework 25 // Task-based testing // Objective and subjective testing // Activities 33 // Discussion 36 // q Testing Listening Skills 37 // Distinguishing between sounds 37 // Dictation 39 // Characteristics of the spoken language 41 // Implications for listening tests 43 // Short statements and conversations 45 // Longer conversations and talks 51 // Testing listening with other skills 54 // Activities 55 // Discussion 58 // Testing Speaking Skills 59 // Pronunciation 59 // Using pictures 61 // Oral interviews 65 // Grading oral ability 67 // Using a language laboratory 71 // Testing speaking with other skills 76 // Activities 76 // Discussion 77 // Testing Reading Skills 79 // Vocabulary 79 // Reading tests: multiple-choice items 81 // Reading
tests: true/false items 84 // Reading tests: completion 86 // Reading tests: cloze 89 // Testing reading with other skills 92 // Activities 92 // Discussion 95 // Testing Writing Skills 96 // Grammar and structure 96 // Controlled writing 101 // Free writing 105 // Using pictures for writing 107 // Marking compositions 108 // Testing writing with other skills 113 // Activities 113 // Discussion 115 // Continuous assessment 116 // General 116 // Oral activities: projects and role play 117 // Writing: editing and group activities 119 // Using questions for continuous assessment 120 // Combining methods 121 // Student self-evaluation 122 // Activities 125 // Discussion 125 // Suggestions for further reading 126 // Index 127

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