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(1) Půjčeno:1x 
Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2003
xiii,462 s. : il., mapy ; 22 cm

ISBN 0-691-00657-1 (brož.)
Monographs in population biology ; [vol.] 36
Obsahuje předmluvu, grafy, rejstřík
Bibliografie: s. [423]-449
Biologie populační - modelování matematické - studie
Contents // Preface xi // 1. Introduction 1 // Why Consumer-Resource Interactions? 1 // On Theory and Models 2 // Themes 4 // 2. Population Dynamics: Observations and Basic Concepts 6 // Types of Population Dynamics: Phenomena to Be // Explained 6 // Some Essential Concepts 15 // Appendix 26 // 3. Simple Models in Continuous Time 30 // The Lotka-Volterra Model 31 // Local Stability Analysis 36 // Effects of Stabilizing and Destabilizing Processes: // A Survey 42 // Combining Stabilizing and Destabilizing Processes: // From Neutral Stability to Limit Cycles 53 // Simple Models of Stage and Spatial Structure: // The Creation of Indirect Density Dependence 60 // Basic and Potential General Properties of Predator-Prey Systems 69 // Appendix 72 // 4. Simple Models in Discrete Time 83 // Single-Species Models in Discrete Time 84 // Discrete-Generation Parasitoid-Host Models 93 // Hybrid Discrete-Time/Continuous-Time Models 106 // Appendix 111 // vili // CONTENTS // 5. An Introduction to Models with Stage Structure 119 // Preamble: Single-Species Populations with Stage Structure 121 // The Basic Stage-Structured Host-Parasitoid Model 134 // Ecological Processes Inducing Instability 147 // Ecological Processes Inducing Stability 149 // Single-Generation Cycles in Parasitoid-Host Models 160 // Appendix 170 // 6. Dynamical Effects of Parasitoid Lifestyles 179 // Parasitoid Lifestyles 180 // Four Mechanisms Inducing Greater Gain from // Older Hosts 186 // A Unifying Framework and Extensions
199 // A More General Model: The Generic Gain Model 205 // The Nature and Origins of Delayed-Feedback Cycles and Single-Generation Cycles: Insights from a Simplified Model 207 // Concluding Remarks 216 // 7. State-Dependent Decisions 219 // Effects of Egg Load on Parasitoid Decisions 220 // Effects of Limits to Egg Production 236 // A General Dynamical Theory of Parasitoid Behavior 242 // 8. Competition between Consumer Species 245 // Lotka-Volterra Competition Model: Competition for an Implicit Resource 247 // Exploitative Competition for an Explicit Resource 255 // Competition in Discrete Time 274 // Effects of Age Structure on Competition 281 // Non-Equilibrial Mechanisms of Coexistence 301 // Effects of Spatial Structure on Competition 310 // Concluding Remarks 317 // 9. Implications for Biological Control 318 // A Comparative Approach to Evaluating Natural // Enemies 321 // Spatial Processes and Control 336 // Need for Experimental Tests 340 // CONTENTS ix // 10. Dynamical Effects of Spatial Processes 341 // Spatial Processes among Subpopulations 341 // Spatial Processes within Populations: Aggregated Attacks and Other Sources of Variation in Risk among Individuals 366 // Connection between Processes within Populations and // among Subpopulations 392 // 11. Synthesis and Integration across Systems 394 // Shared Theory for Different Kinds of Consumer-Resource Interactions 394 // Connection between Consumer-Resource Dynamics and Single-Species Dynamics in Theory and Nature
399 // Cycles in Real Systems: Single-Species Models for Many-Species Systems 410 // General Conclusions/Considerations 414 // 12. Concluding Remarks 416 // Literature Cited 425 // Index // 451

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