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Bibliografická citace

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Oxford : Oxford University, 1996

ISBN 0-19-437096-8
The authors and series editor i // Foreword 3 // Introduction 5 // 1 Towards a classroom approach 15 // 23 // 2 Controlled activities // Activity // 1 Chain names // 2 Name bingo // 3 Find someone who. . . // 4 Guess who? // 5 Sounds English // 6 Look and speak // 7 Listen and speak // 8 Listen and record // 9 Shadow reading // 10 Who do you think ... ? // 11 Do you come here often? // Level Approx time (minutes) // Beginner to Advanced 5-10 // Beginner to Elementary 10-15 // Elementary and above 15-20 // Elementary to Intermediate 15-20 // Beginner to Advanced 10-15 // Beginner to Intermediate 15-20 // Beginner to Elementary 15-20 // Elementary and above 15-20 // Beginner to Advanced 10-15 // Upper intermediate to Advanced 20-25 // Elementary and above 10-15 // Description // Introducing students to 24 // each other. // Introducing students to 24 // each other (larger // classes). // Students find out more 25 // about each other. // Students ask questions 26 // in order to establish a person’s identity. // Getting students’ 27 // tongues around English sounds. // To help students repeat 28 // a dialogue. // Giving students simple 29 // oral practice through dialogue repetition. // To make a recording 29 // after listening to a taped model. // Building up students’ 30 // confidence. // How different language 31 // is used for the same function. // To cue a dialogue so that 32 // students have to listen to // what the other speaker says. // 12 The phone game Elementary 10-15 Controlled
practice of 34 // and above telephone conversations. // 13 Who said it? Intermediate 15-20 Interpreting and 35 // and above attributing utterances. // 14 Split exchanges Elementary 10-15 Focusing on exchange 36 // and above structure. // 15 Anyone for tennis? Elementary to 5-10 Practice with going to to 39 // Lower intermediate express the future. // 16 Is that right? Elementary and above 10-15 Recognizing gambits. 40 // 17 Dialogue fill-in Intermediate 10-15 Practice in producing 41 // and above more than minimal responses. // 18 The best years of Elementary 10-15 Practice in the simple 42 // my life and above past forms. // 19 Experiences Elementary 15-20 Practice in the present 42 // and above perfect tense. // 20 Pet hates Elementary 10-15 Practice in forms such as 43 // and above / love ? I hate, etc. // 21 The old days Intermediate and above 15-20 Practice in used to. 44 // 22 If only . . . Intermediate 10-15 Practice in hypothetical 44 // and above would. // 23 Je ne regrette rien Intermediate 15-20 Practice in hypothetical 45 // and above would. // 24 Cheat Intermediate 10-15 Practice in hypothetical 46 // and above would. // 25 Could I ask you a Elementary 15-20 Practice in question 47 // few questions, please? and above forms. // 3 Awareness activities 51 // 26 Encouraging noises Elementary 15-20 Expressions which 52 // and above encourage the other speaker to continue. // 27 Keep talking Elementary 10-15 Ways in which fillers 53 // and above can contribute to an impression of fluency. //
28 Encouragement Intermediate 10-15 Expressions which 54 // and above encourage the speaker to say more. // 29 Repetition Upper 15-20 Different uses to which 55 // intermediate to repetition can be put in // Advanced the spoken language. // 30 As I was saying . . . Upper intermediate to Advanced 20-25 Types of interruption and how to deal with them. // 31 Gestures Intermediate and above 10 Using gestures as reinforcement of what is being said, (video task) // 32 Follow me Elementary and above 15-20 Repetition of certain words and phrases, and body language, (video task) // 33 Sound off Elementary and above 10 Extra-linguistic clues to help students understand and interpret what is being said, (video task) // 34 Sound only Elementary and above 20 (max.) Developing a feel for voice quality, (video task) // 35 Whats next? Elementary and above 15 (max.) Practice in following extended conversation, (video task) // 36 A smiling face? Intermediate and above 20-25 To raise sensitivity in students to body language. // 37 The message is . . . Intermediate and above 15-20 Recognizing the function of gestures in English. // 38 I want a blue one! Elementary to Intermediate 10-15 Stress practice in the context of a drill. // 39 I haven’t got any ice! Intermediate and above 5-10 Shifting stress in a prompted dialogue, altering meaning. // 40 Take that/ Intermediate and above 15-20 Making students aware of sentence stress. // 41 This is a question? Upper intermediate and above 20-25 How intonation can alter meaning. //
42 Same words -different message Intermediate to Advanced 15-20 Ways in which the meaning of an utterance can be altered by changing the intonation. // 43 True or false? Upper intermediate to Advanced 25-30 Ways in which native speakers try to be polite in social encounters. // 44 Similarities and differences Upper intermediate to Advanced 20-25 Social behaviour in the target language. // 45 Culture shock! // Intermediate 2 5-30 and above // 77 // Problems people encounter when they have to live in a new country. // 4 Fluency activities // 46 I hated Maths - did Elementary // you? and above // 47 Habits Intermediate and above // 48 Family life Intermediate and above // 49 Emotions Intermediate to Upper intermediate // 50 A coma kit Intermediate and above // 51 How much energy Intermediate // do you have? and above // 52 Emotional match Elementary and above // 53 Exchange Elementary and above // 54 Have you heard Elementary // of . . .? and above // 55 It’s all in your hands Upper intermediate to // Advanced // 56 The best Elementary to Lower intermediate // 57 Eureka! Intermediate and above // 58 Time Intermediate to Advanced // 59 Time capsule Intermediate to Advanced // 60 A just punishment Upper intermediate to // Advanced // 61 Future shock Intermediate to Advanced // 79 // 25-30 Introducing students to fluency activities. 83 // 30-35 Sharing opinions. 84 // 25-30 Sharing opinions. 86 // 30-35 Telling each other about emotions. 87 //
20 (max.) Talking about likes and dislikes. 88 // 30-40 Getting students to explore their life style. 88 // 20-25 Talking about fears. 90 // 20 (min.) Finding out about each other by asking questions. 91 // 35-40 Cross-cultural exchange in mixed nationality groups. 92 // 35-40 Talking about personal characteristics, and palmistry. 93 // 20-25 Introducing students to ranking activities. 96 // 30-35 Promoting discussion about inventions. 97 // 30-35 Justifying and explaining preferences. 97 // 25-35 Things students value in their daily lives. 99 // 30-35 Considering the extent to which punishments fit the crime. 100 // 30-35 Discussing priorities for the future. 101 // ti 1 ne bridge Upper intermediate to Advanced 30-35 Deciding on individual responsibility for a tragedy. 102 // <3 From what I remember Elementary and above 20-25 Discussing the results of a simple memory experiment. 104 // M A dream classroom Elementary and above 30-35 Carrying out a design task together. 104 // §5 Plan your time Intermediate and above 30-35 Considering ways in which students can learn English outside the classroom. 105 // ié My ideal phrase-book Elementary and above 35-40 Working together to produce and evaluate phrase-books. 106 // é* B uilding a model Intermediate and above 25-30 Evaluating how effectively students are able to perform a given task. 107 // ... give you . . . Elementary and above 25-35 (2 lessons) Students buy and sell things. 108 // Airport Upper intermediate to Advanced 30-35 //
A conflict situation in which students have to decide what to do. 109 // Attitudes to gifts and giving Intermediate and above 25-30 A cross-cultural discussion about gifts and giving. 111 // n  STho’s the boss? Intermediate and above 35-40 Discussing the role of secretaries at work. 112 // - Gifts Elementary and above 25-40 Talking about gifts. 114 // *3 Love story Intermediate and above 40-45 Using a well-known story as a stimulus for students to produce their own. 115 // 5 Feedback 117 // Task 1 Elementary to Advanced Students look closely at 125 the language they use. // Task 2 Elementary to Advanced Encouraging 126 expressions. // Task 3 Elementary to Advanced Fillers and hesitation 127 devices. // Task 4 Elementary to Advanced Strategies we use to 128 keep a conversation going. // Task 5 Elementary to Advanced Story-telling devices. 129 // Task 6 Elementary to Advanced How we make and respond to suggestions in order to encourage people to be constructive. 130 // Task 7 Elementary to Advanced Ways in which we seek and give opinions. 131 // Task 8 Elementary to Advanced Ways of introducing polite disagreement. 133 // Task 9 Elementary to Advanced Giving a talk. 134 // Task 10 Elementary to Advanced How we use communication strategies to carry on speaking. 135 // Task 11 Upper intermediate and above Students consider how they behave in meetings. 141 // Task 12 Intermediate and above Patterns of interaction within a group. 143 // Bibliography 145

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