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Bibliografická citace

0 (hodnocen0 x )
(26) Půjčeno:26x 
London : Marion Boyars, 2002
180 s. : il.

ISBN 0-7145-2615-0 (brož.)
Ideas in progress
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Bibliografie: s. 180
Reklama - aspekty psychologické - studie
CONTENTS Preface to the Fifteenth Impression iv // Foreword 9 // Introduction: "Meaning and Ideology’ 11 // PART ONE ‘Advertising-Work’ 15 // Chapter One ? Currency of Signs 20 // a. Differentiation 24 // b. The Finished Connection: An ‘Objective Correlative’ 29 // c. Product as Signified 31 // d. Product as Signifier 35 // e. Product as Generator 36 // f. Product as Currency 38 // Chapter Two Signs Address Somebody 40 // a. Currency Requires a Subject to Make an Exchange 42 // b. Totemism’: Subject as Signified 45 // c. Appellation and Individualism: // Individuals Constituted as Subjects 50 // d. Divisions 55 // e. Advertising and the ‘Mirror-Phase’ 60 // f. The Created Self 67 // Chapter Three Signs for Deciphering: Hermeneutics 71 // a. Absence 77 // b. Language 84 // c. Calligraphy 91 // PART TWO ‘Ideological Castles’:iSyste/ws 97 // Chapter Four ‘Cooking’ Nature 103 // a. ‘The Raw and the Cooked’: // Representations of Transformation 103 // b. Science 110 // c. ‘Cooked’ Sex: ‘Civilisation and Its Discontents’ 120 // Chapter Five Back to Nature 122 // a. ‘The Natural’ 123 // b. Surrealism 131 // c. The Ideology of the Natural 134 // Chapter Six Magic 138 // a. Alchemy 145 // b. Spells 147 // c. The Genie in the Lamp and the World in the Bottle 149 // d. The Crystal Ball/Magic Circle 151 // Chapter Seven Time: Narrative and History 152 // a. Time Past: Memory 157 // b. Time Future: Desire 161 // c. History 164 // Chapter Eight Conclusions 167
// Select Bibliography 180

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