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Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, [2018]
vii, 376 stran : ilustrace, portréty ; 29 cm
Externí odkaz    Plný text PDF 
   * Návod pro vzdálený přístup 

ISBN 978-1-4925-0571-6 (vázáno)
Terminologické slovníky
Obsahuje bibliografii na stranách 329-361 a rejstřík
Preface vi // Acknowledgments vii // Chapter 1 Exercise Metabolism 1 // Foundations of Metabolism ...1 // Energy Transfer ...2 // Energy Substrates for Metabolism // Energy Systems // Total Yield From Metabolism ...17 // Metabolic Regulation During Exercise ...18 // Factors That Influence Exercise Metabolism ...22 // Summary ...23 // Definitions ...23 // Chapter 2 Dynamics of Skeletal-Neuromuscular // and Gastrointestinal Physiology 25 // Structure of Skeletal Muscle and Mechanisms of Contraction ...25 // Neuromuscular Control of Movement ...31 // Functional Properties of Muscle ...37 // Regulatory Control of the Gl System ...40 // Smooth Muscle ...43 // Overview of the Gl Organs ...43 // Summary ...48 // Definitions ...48 // Chapter 3 Cardiovascular System: Function and Control 51 // General Anatomy of the Cardiovascular System ...51 // Mechanisms of Contraction ...53 // Cardiac Electrophysiology ...57 // Conduction System and Electrocardiogram ...59 // Coronary Blood Supply ...61 // Cardiac Cycle and Mechanics ...63 // Cardiac Performance ...64 // Changes in Heart Rate, Stroke Volume, and Cardiac Output // During an Acute Bout of Exercise ...67 // Circulatory Hemodynamics and Distribution of Blood Flow ...70 // Transport of O2 and CO2 ...74 // Cardiorespiratory Fitness: The Whole Picture ...77 // Cardiovascular Regulation ...77 // Other Important Topics in Advanced Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology ...80 // The Kidneys and Exercise ...82 // Summary ...82 // Definitions ...83 // Pulmonary Exercise Physiology // Lung Structure and Function // Exercise and Lung Function // Illness // Summary // Definitions // Immune and Endocrine System // Immune System Components and Function // Exercise and Immune Function // Acute Exercise and the Immune Response // Exercise Endocrinology // Hormone Control of the Cardiorespiratory System During Aerobic Exercise //
Hormone Control of Substrate Availability During Aerobic Exercise // Hormone Control of Fluid and Electrolyte Balance During Aerobic Exercise . // Hormone Response After Aerobic Exercise Training // Endocrine Response During Anaerobic or Resistance Exercise // Hormone Response During Acute Anaerobic Exercise // Endocrine Adaptations to Anaerobic Exercise Training // Summary // Definitions // Principles for Testing and Training for Aerobic Power // Work and Power // Direct and Indirect Measurement of Energy Production // Net O2 Cost of Exercise // Caloric Equivalent of O2 // Protocols for Assessing Aerobic Power // Matching Training Regimen to Energy and Organ Systems // and Training to Improve Aerobic Power // Physiological Adaptations Attributable to Aerobic Training // Summary // Definitions // Principles for Testing and Training: Anaerobic Strength, Power, and Range of Motion // Anaerobic Exercise Training Principles // Resistance Testing and Training // Range of Motion // Putting it All Together // Summary // Definitions // Body Composition and Weight Management // Body Composition Models and Theories // Weight Management Principles // Summary // Definitions // Chapter 9 Performance: Environmental Stressors, // Genetics, Nutrition, and Ergogenic Aids 229 // Exercise and the Environment ...229 // Performance Exercise Physiology ...253 // Summary ...267 // Definitions ...270 // Chapter 10 Physical Activity and Exercise for Health and Fitness 271 // Epidemiology of Physical Activity, Inactivity, and Exercise ...271 // Relationship Between Physical Activity, Exercise, Fitness, and Disease Prevention.272 // Proper Screening Before Exercise and the Risks Associated With Exercise ...280 // How Much Exercise is Enough? ...283 // Exercise in the Treatment of Common Noncommunicable Chronic Diseases ...285 //
Challenges of Exercise Adherence and Facilitating Behavior Change ...291 // Summary ...293 // Definitions ...293 // Chapter 11 Emerging Concepts: Exercise Pharmacology // and Exercise Genomics 295 // Exercise Pharmacology ...295 // Exercise Genomics ...301 // Summary ...308 // Definitions ...308 // Appendix A: Calculations for Oxygen Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Production 311 // Appendix B: Efficiency and Energy Expenditure 313 // Appendix C: Metabolic Equivalent of Task Values of Common Activities 315 // Appendix D: Professionalization of the Exercise Professional 319 // Appendix E: Common Scientific Abbreviations and Units 327 // References 329 // Index 363 // About the Authors 375

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