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Bern ; Berlin ; Bruxelles ; Frankfurt am Main ; New York ; Oxford ; Wien : Peter Lang, [2016]
xiv, 683 stran : ilustrace ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-3-0343-1420-6 (brožováno)
Obsahuje bibliografie, bibliografické odkazy a rejstřík
Anglická a francouzská resumé
Table of Contents // Foreword...V // International Editorial Board ...VI // Acknowledgements...VII // List of Figures and Tables...VIII // Table of Contents...IX // List of Contributors...XIII // Introduction // A Global History of Historical Demography. Time for an Anthology Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, loan Bolovan and Solvi Sogner...1 // 1. Historical Demography and International Network Developments (1928-2010) // Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux ...15 // 2. Historical Demography on Sub-Saharan Africa (1975-2010) // Dennis D. Cordell Elizabeth Omoluabi and Nancy Stiegler ...67 // 3. Historical Demography in Argentina // Her nan Otero...87 // 4. Sources for an Australian Interdisciplinary Historical Demography // Rebecca Kippen and David Lucas...101 // 5. A Short History of Historical Demography in Austria. From a Population Issue to Special Scientific Discipline // Peter Teibenbacher and Gudrun Exner...117 // 6. Historical Demography in the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, // Estonia) // Dalia Leinarte, Andrejs Plakans and Toivo U. Raun ...131 // 7. A History of Historical Demography in Belgium // Isabelle Devos and Christa Matthys...157 // 8. Historical Demography in Canada // Béatrice Craig ...181 // x // 9. The Development of Chinese Historical Demography since 1950 // Zhongwei Zhao ...193 // 10. Historical Demography in the Czech Republic // Ludmila Fialova and Eduard Maur...213 // 11. Historical Demography in Denmark // Hans Chr. Johansen...225 // 12. A History of the Historical
Demography of England and Wales // Peter Kitson ...231 // 13. Historical Demography in Finland 1960-2010 // Beatrice Moring...245 // 14. The French School of Historical Demography (1950-2000): // Strengths and Weaknesses // Isabelle Séguy ...257 // 15. Historical Demography in Germany // Rolf G ehr man n...277 // 16. Historical Demography of Greek Populations // Violetta Hionidou...291 // 17. Historical Demography in Hungary: A History of Research // Tamás Faragó...301 // 18. Historical Demography in Iceland, 1970-2011 // Olof Gar darsdottir...315 // 19. Indian Historical Demography // Ravindran Gopinath ...333 // 20. History of Historical Demography in Ireland // Christopher M. Kennedy...345 // 21. A History of Historical Demography in Italy // Lucia Pozzi and Eugenio Sonn ino ...357 // 22. Historical Demography in Japan: Achievements and Problems // Akira Hay ami...383 // 23. Family Demography in Traditional Chosön Korea: // Survival Strategies of Families // Kuentae Kim ...411 // 24. Historical Demography in Latin America: An Assessment // Maria Luiza Marcilio ...435 // 25 Mexican Historical Demography // Agustin Grajales Parras ...451 // 26. Historical Demography in the Netherlands // Theo Engelen and Ad van der Woude...467 // 27. Historical Demography in Norway 1960-2010 // Salvi Sogner...499 // 28. Polish Historical Demography. Past, Present, Future // Cezary Kuklo ...513 // 29. Historical Demography in Portugal (1950-2012) // Maria Norberta Amorim and Paulo Teodoro
de Matos ...533 // 30. Half a Century of Historical Demography in Romania (1960-2010) // loan Bolovan...549 // 31. Historical Demographia in Russia // Irina Troitskaia and Alexandre Avdeev ...563 // 32. Population History in Scotland: Opportunities Under-explored // Michael Anderson ...581 // 33. Historical Demography in Slovakia in the Last Fifty Years // Pavol Tišliar and Ján Golian ...595 // 34. Historical Demography in Spain (1960-2011) // Ofelia Key Castelao ...603 // 35. Historical Demography in Sweden and its International Visibility // Lars-Göran Tedebrand...617 // 36. From Statistics and Political Economy to Historical Demography. // Two and a Half Centuries of Population Research in Switzerland // Anne-Lise Head-König ...639 // 37. Historical Demography in United States // Emily R. Merchant and J. David Hacker...655 // INDEX // 671

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