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Bibliografická citace

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Second print
Amsterdam : Valiz ; Melbourne : Ueberschwarz, 2019
288 stran : ilustrace, faksimile ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-94-92095-19-0 (brožováno)
Obsahuje bibliografii na stranách 270-278, bibliografické odkazy a rejstřík
Introduction. A Design History for the Future 11 - Marjanne van Helvert // William Morris, Arts and Crafts, and the Idea of Eco-Socialist Design 29 - Elizabeth Carolyn Miller // A Political Education. The Historical Legacy of the German Bauhaus and the Moscow VKhUTEMAS 49 - Éva Forgács // Margarete Schutte-Lihotzky. A Career in the Design Politics of the Everyday 67 - Susan R. Henderson // Good Design for Everyone. Scarcity, Equality, and Utility in the Second World War 85 - Marjanne van Helvert // Design for Consumer Society. Planned Obsolescence, Styling, and Irresponsible Objects 107 - Marjanne van Helvert // The Buckminster Fuller Mission 125 - Ed van Hinte // The Humanitarian Object. Victor Papanek and the Struggle for Responsible Design 145 - Alison J. Clarke // Counterculture and Anti-Design. Postmodern Appropriations of Utopia 163 - Marjanne van Helvert // Design History Interrupted./ A Queer-Feminist Perspective 187 - Ece Canli // The Digital Age Reaches the Fringes. A Public Fab Lab in Brazil and Its (Possible) Implications for Design 209 - Andrea Bandoni // If Not Tomorrow, Then Today. Paradigms of Latin American Design 227 - Luiza Prado de C. Martins & Pedro J. S. Vieira de Oliveira // Responsible Objects, Utopian Desires./ A Two-Sided Monologue on the Future of Design 251 - Marjanne van Helvert // Contributors 261 // Bibliography 270 // Index 283 // Colophon 288

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