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(2.5) Půjčeno:3x 
First published
Los Angeles ; London ; New Delhi ; Singapore ; Washington DC ; Melbourne : Sage, 2018
xiv, 270 stran ; 25 cm

ISBN 978-1-4739-6897-4 (brožováno)
Obsahuje bibliografii na stranách 215-253, bibliografické odkazy a rejstřík
About the Author xi // Acknowledgements xiii // 1 INTRODUCTION 1 // Introduction 1 // Welfare words, critical social work and social policy 2 // Welfare words and keywords 4 // "Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes" : Keywordsnow 6 // Welfare words and me: The aims of the book 12 // The organisation of the book 17 // Reflection and Talk Box 1 19 // Further Reading 19 // 2 THE CONCEPTUAL LENS 21 // Introduction 21 // Antonio Gramsci: Welfare words, hegemony and common sense 21 // Hegemony 21 // Common sense 25 // Using Gramsci 26 // Pierre Bourdieu: Welfare words, the state and symbolic violence 28 // Habitus, field and capital 29 // What" s the problem? The State and the power to name 31 // Symbolic violence 32 // Loic Wacquant: Welfare words and neoliberal penality 35 // Autonomist Marxism: Welfare words in the social factory 38 // Jacques Ranciere: Welfare words, de-classification, police and politics 42 // "Police" and "politics" 44 // CONTENTS // Conclusion 45 // Reflection and Talk Box 2 46 // Further Reading 47 // 3 WELFARE DEPENDENCY 49 // Introduction 49 // Welfare, welfare states, social security 50 // Born in the USA? Making welfare dependency 51 // Welfare in the shadow of the prison walls 56 // Neoliberalism" s "organic intellectuals" and welfare politics 60 // The potency of "common sense" narratives 65 // Countering welfare dependency "myths" 67 // Conclusion 70 // Reflection and Talk Box 3 71 // Further Reading 72 // 4 UNDERCLASS 73 // Introduction 73 // Rediscovering the underclass 74 // "Scum Semiotics" : The UK "riots" of August 2011 76 // An "essentially American invention" ? 79 // The "Symbolic Mecca" 83 // Placing the underclass: "Bad" neighbourhoods and social detritus 85 // Looking backwards: Locating the underclass in history 87 // Industrial residuum 89 // Social problem group 89 // Problem families 92 // Troubled families 93 // Conclusion 95 //
Reflection and Talk Box 4 96 // Further Reading 96 // 5 SOCIAL EXCLUSION 99 // Introduction 99 // France: L" exclusion sociale and threats to the "social fabric" 101 // UK: Recycling of the "cycle of deprivation" and hyper-valorising paid work 102 // Ireland: Social exclusion and the Roma community 107 // What" s wrong with social inclusion talk? 110 // Illustrating that capitalism is functioning? 111 // Illustrating governmentality? 113 // CONTENTS // Conclusion 115 // Reflection and Talk Box 5 116 // Further Reading 116 // 6 EARLY INTERVENTION 117 // Introduction 117 // The evolution of the "neuromolecular gaze" 119 // Every picture tells a story 121 // Neuroscience and the evolving vocabulary of early intervention 123 // Deciphering early intervention 125 // "Brain science" . 126 // Too attached to attachment theory? 127 // Conclusion 129 // Reflection and Talk Box 6 130 // Further Reading 131 // 7 RESILIENCE 133 // Introduction 133 // Origins and definitions 135 // Research approaches, programmes, forms of intervention 136 // Questioning tales of "ordinary magic" 138 // Resilience and military logic in an era of "endless war" 141 // Resilience and the crafting of an "indomitable" soldiery 142 // Resilience, the military and neoliberal austerity 143 // Resilience and neoliberal reasoning 144 // Resilience and human capital 147 // Remaking resilience? 150 // Conclusion 151 // Reflection and Talk Box 7 152 // Further Reading 153 // SCARE 155 // Introduction 155 // Feminist care ethics 159 // Re-articulating "care" as "assistance" , "help" and "support" 162 // Carework as bodywork 164 // Neoliberal labour care processes 165 // Commodification and corruption 169 // Conclusion 173 // Reflection and Talk Box 8 174 // Further Reading 175 // 9 ADOPTION 177 // Introduction 177 // Changing adoption practices 180 //
Ending the "cruel rationing of human love" : The UK Coalition and Conservative governments 181 // Interpreting contemporary domestic adoption politics 184 // "We don" t need white couples" : "Race" and adoption 189 // Inter-country adoption (ICA) in the "new world order" 193 // Combating "anti-adoption forces" : Making the case of ICA 195 // "Disturbing and problematic" questions: Concerns about ICA 197 // Conclusion 200 // Reflection and Talk Box 9 201 // Further Reading 201 // 10 CONCLUSION 203 // Introduction 203 // "Change has got to come" : Rhetorically recalibrated neoliberalism? 205 // Welfare words and disruptive thinking 207 // Notes 211 // References 215 // Index 255

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