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First published
London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2012
xii, 284 stran : ilustrace ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-0-415-60178-8 (brožováno)
Obsahuje bibliografie, bibliografické odkazy a rejstřík
The contributors provide cutting-edge analyses of contemporary urban restructuring, including the issues of neoliberalization, gentrification, colonization, “creative” cities, architecture and political power, sub-prime mortgage foreclosures, and the ongoing struggles of “right to the city” movements. At the same time, the book explores the diverse interpretive frameworks - critical and otherwise - that are currently being used in academic discourse, in political struggles, and in everyday life to decipher contemporary urban transformations and contestations. The slogan, “cities for people, not for profit,” sets into stark relief what the contributors view as a central political question involved in efforts, at once theoretical and practical, to address the global urban crises of our time..
List of figures vii // Contributors viii // Preface and acknowledgments xi // 1 Cities for people, not for profit: an introduction 1 - Neil Brenner, Peter Marcuse, and Margit Mayer // 2 What is critical urban theory? 11 - Neil Brenner // 3 Whose right(s) to what city? 24 - Peter Marcuse // 4 Henri Lefebvre, the right to the city, and the new metropolitan mainstream 42 - Christian Schmid // 5 The “right to the city” in urban social movements 63 -Margit Mayer // 6 Space and revolution in theory and practice: eight theses 86 - Kanishka Goonewardena // 7 The praxis of planning and the contributions of critical development studies 102 - Katharine N. Rankin // 8 Assemblages, actor-networks, and the challenges of critical urban theory 117 - Neil Brenner, David J. Madden, and David Wachsmuth // 9 The new urban growth ideology of “creative cities” 138 - Stefan Krätke // 10 Critical theory and “gray space”: mobilization of the colonized 150 - Oren Yiftachel // 11 Missing Marcuse: on gentrification and displacement 171 - Tom Slater // 12 An actually existing just city? The fight for the right to the city in Amsterdam 197 - Justus Uitermark // 13 A critical approach to solving the housing problem 215 - Peter Marcuse // 14 Socialist cities, for people or for power? 231 - Bruno Flierl in conversation with Peter Marcuse // 15 The right to the city: from theory to grassroots alliance 250 - Jon Liss // 16 What is to be done? And who the hell is going to do it? 264 - David Harvey with David Wachsmuth // Afterword - Peter Marcuse 275 // Index 276

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