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Second edition
London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019
xviii, 302 stran : ilustrace ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-1-138-55146-6 (brožováno)
Obsahuje bibliografie, bibliografické odkazy a rejstřík
List of figures x // List of tables xii // Acknowledgments xiv // Foreword by Ruth Balogh xv // Preface to the second edition xvi // 1 What does doing pedagogical action research mean in the current higher education context? 1 // 2 Why is reflective practice important? 16 // 3 Why is the professionalization of university teaching important? 35 // 4 How can pedagogical action research contribute to career development? 53 // 5 Where do you start a pedagogical action research study? 69 // 6 What research methods should you choose? 91 // 7 How can you analyze qualitative data in pedagogical action research? 113 // 8 How can you analyze quantitative data in pedagogical action research? 13$ // 9 How can you use pedagogical tools for your action research study? 164 // vili Contents // 10 What arc the ethical issues involved in pedagogical action research? // 11 Going public: how can you grow the influence of your findings? 209 // Appendices // A Practical methods to develop your reflective practice 236 // B How action research can support an application for Associate Fellowship of the HEA n 39 // C How action research can articulate with the HEA // categories of Fellowship 243 // D Using your teaching experience to generate action research questions: the reconnaissance stage 245 // FI Constructing a research protocol // F Constructing an attitude scale 25I // G Case study showing how qualitative and quantitative data can be combined 254 // H Case study of a pedagogical action research study to illustrate some ethical issues 255 // I Example or a completed information sheet for research participants 259 // J Research consent form template // K Example or an unsuccessful abstract that was submitted to a conference as a research paper 263 // L Example of a successful abstract that was submitted to a conference as a research paper 2?5 //
M Illustration of a fictionalized cover letter to the editor when submitting a manuscript for consideration as a journal publication 267 // N Illustration of a fictionalized cover letter to the journal editor accompanying a revised manuscript 268 // O Example of a real response to reviewers’ comments on a submitted manuscript for journal publication 269 // Example of a budget for a fictionalized internally funded research bid 271 // Bibliography 273 // Index 295

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