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Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, [2020]
x, 515 stran, 16 nečíslovaných stran obrazových příloh : ilustrace (některé barevné) ; 29 cm

ISBN 978-1-107-19542-4 (vázáno)
Obsahuje bibliografii na stranách 432-506 a rejstřík
Preface ix // 1 Introduction 1 // 1.1 Why Are Rivers Important? 1 // 1.2 What Is a River? 2 // 1.3 What Is a River System? 3 // 1.4 What Is Fluvial Geomorphology? 4 // 1.5 How Do the Dynamics of River Systems Vary over Time and Space? 10 // 1.6 What Is the Role of Humans in River Dynamics? 14 // 2 The Dynamics of Drainage Basins and Stream Networks 15 // 2.1 Why Is a Focus on River Systems over Geologic Timespans Important? 15 // 2.2 How Is the Formation of River Channels Related to Hillslope Processes? 15 // 2.3 What Are Some Limitations of Existing Models of Channel Initiation? 20 // 2.4 What Are the Characteristics of Rills? 22 // 2.5 How Do Gullies Differ from Rills? 22 // 2.6 How Is the Development of Stream Channels Related to Drainage Basin Characteristics? 24 // 2.7 How Do River Networks Form, Grow, and Evolve? 29 // 2.8 How Are Channel Networks Organized Geometrically, Hierarchically, and Topologically? 39 // 2.9 What Are the Scaling Characteristics of River Networks? 44 // 2.10 Is the Organization of River Networks Governed by Optimization Principles? 46 // 3 Sediment Dynamics at Global and Drainage-Basin Scales 47 // 3.1 How Important Are Rivers in Transporting Sediment and Dissolved Material at the Global Scale? 47 // 3.2 What Factors Control the Total Sediment Flux from Drainage Basins? 49 // 3.3 How Have Humans Affected Sediment Dynamics at Global Scales? 57 // 3.4 What Is the Relative Importance of Different Controlling Variables for Influencing River Sediment Flux? 59 // 3.5 What Factors Influence Landscape Denudation? 60 // 3.6 What Is the Mass Balance of a Watershed? 63 // 3.7 What Is the Sediment Delivery Problem and Its Relation to the Sediment Delivery Ratio? 63 // 3.8 What Is a Sediment Budget and How Is It Useful for Evaluating Watershed Sediment Dynamics? 65 // 4 Flow Dynamics in Rivers 72 // 4.1 Why Are Flow Dynamics in Rivers Important? 72 //
4.2 What Is the Basic Metric of Flow in Rivers? 72 // 4.3 How Are Flows in Rivers Classified According to Changes in Depth and Velocity? 73 // 4.4 How Is the Dimensionality of Fluid Motion in a River Determined? 74 // 4.5 What Is the Relation of Flow Classification and Dimensionality of Fluid Motion to Hydraulic Complexity? 75 // 4.6 What Are the Components of Flow Energy in Rivers? 75 // 4.7 How Can River Flows Be Characterized in Terms of Force, Stress, and Power? 76 // 4.8 Are River Flows Laminar or Turbulent? 78 // 4.9 What Is the Relation between Inertial and Gravitational Forces in Rivers? 80 // 4.10 How Is Flow Resistance in Rivers Related to Velocity? 82 // 4.11 How Is Flow Resistance in Rivers Related to Bed Shear Stress? 83 // 4.12 What Factors Determine the Reach-Averaged Bed Shear Stress? 83 // 4.13 What Is Boundary Layer Theory and How Is It Related to Flow in Rivers? 86 // 4.14 How Can Fluid Motion in Rivers Be Described Mathematically in Three Dimensions? 95 // 5 Sediment Transport Dynamics in Rivers 97 // 5.1 Why Is Sediment Transport Important in River Dynamics? 97 // 5.2 What Types of Material Flux Occur in Rivers? 97 // 5.3 What Are the Major Sources of Sediment Transported by Rivers? 97 // 5.4 What Are the Major Types of Sediment Transport in Rivers? 98 // 5.5 What Factors Influence the Transport of Fine Suspended Sediment? 100 // 5.6 What Factors Control the Mobilization of Bed Material? 105 // 5.7 How Is the Shear Stress Acting on Grains Determined? 115 // 5.8 How Is Bed-Material Load Transported in Suspension? 116 // 5.9 How Is Bedload or Bed-Material Transport Related to Shear Stress and Stream Power? 119 // 5.10 What Factors Influence the Fractional Transport of Bed Material? 122 // 5.11 How Is Bed-Material Transport Related to Particle Motion in Rivers? 129 // 5.12 How Is Bed-Material Transport in Rivers Linked to Changes in Channel Morphology? 131 //
6 Magnitude-Frequency Concepts and the Dynamics of Channel-Forming Events 134 // 6.1 Why Are Magnitude and Frequency Concepts Important for Understanding River Dynamics? 134 // 6.2 How Is Water Delivered to Rivers from Drainage Basins? 134 // 6.3 How Does River Flow Vary over Time? 135 // 6.4 How Is the Frequency of Floods Determined? 138 // 6.5 How Is the Frequency of River Flows Determined? 142 // 6.6 What Is a Channel-Formative Event? 144 // 6.7 What Is the Concept of Dominant Discharge and How Is It Related to River Equilibrium? 144 // 6.8 What Is the Concept of Geomorphic Effectiveness and How Does It Relate to Channel-Formative Events? 157 // 7 The Shaping of Channel Geometry i64 // 7.1 How Is Channel Geometry Related to the Three-Dimensionality of River Form? 164 // 7.2 How Is Channel Form Related to the Geometry of River Flow? 164 // 7.3 How Has Physically Based Analysis Been Used to Examine Channel Geometry? 178 // 7.4 How Have Empirical and Physical Approaches Been Integrated in the Study of Channel Geometry? 183 // 7.5 How Does Channel Geometry Change through Time? 183 // 8 Channel Planform - Controls on Development and Change i86 // 8.1 What Is Channel Planform and Why Is It Important? 186 // 8.2 What Are the Major Types of Channel Planforms? 186 // 8.3 What Environmental Factors Are Associated with Differences in Channel Planform? 188 // 8.4 How Do Environmental Conditions Differ for Meandering and Braided Rivers? 188 // 8.5 Under What Environmental Conditions Do Straight Channels Occur? 192 // 8.6 What Is the Environmental Domain of Anabranching of Rivers? 194 // 8.7 What Are the Implications of Changes in Environmental Conditions for Channel Planform Change? 195 // 9 The Dynamics of Meandering Rivers 197 // 9.1 Why Is the Meandering of Rivers Important? 197 // 9.2 Why Do Rivers Meander? 197 // 9.3 What Are the Major Planform Characteristics of Meandering Rivers? 205 //
9.4 What Are the Major Morphological Components of Meandering Rivers at the Bar-Unit Scale? 207 // 9.5 What Are the Patterns of Flow in a Meandering River? 213 // 9.6 How Is Bed Material Transported in a Meandering River? 218 // 9.7 How Do Riverbanks Erode? 221 // 9.8 How Do Meandering Rivers Migrate over Time and Space? 225 // 10 The Dynamics of Braided Rivers 234 // 10.1 Why Are the Dynamics of Braided Rivers Important? 234 // 10.2 How Does Braiding Occur? 234 // 10.3 What Are the Basic Morphological Attributes of Braided Rivers? 237 // 10.4 What Process-Form Interactions Occur at the Bar-Unit and Bar-Element Scales in Braided Rivers? 241 // 10.5 What Are the Dynamics of Braided Rivers at the Planform Scale? 246 // 11 The Dynamics of Anabranching Rivers 252 // 11.1 Why Are Anabranching Channels Important? 252 // 11.2 Why and How Do Rivers Anabranch? 252 // 11.3 What Are the Dynamics of Wandering Gravel-Bed Rivers? 256 // 11.4 What Are the Dynamics of Anastomosing Rivers? 259 // 11.5 What Are the Characteristics of Other Anabranching Rivers? 261 // 11.6 How Is Anabranching Related to the Dynamics of the World’s Largest Rivers? 266 // 12 The Dynamics of River Confluences 269 // 12.1 Why Are Confluences Important? 269 // 12.2 What Are the Planform Characteristics of Confluences? 269 // 12.3 How Does Channel Form Change at Confluences? 271 // 12.4 What Are the Characteristics of Flow at Confluences? 272 // 12.5 What Are the Dynamics of Bed Morphology at Confluences? 281 // 12.6 What Are the Dynamics of Sediment Transport at Confluences? 285 // 12.7 What Are the Dynamics of Confluent Meander Bends? 287 // 12.8 How Do Confluences Change over Time? 290 // 12.9 What Are the Dynamics of Mixing at Confluences? 290 // 13 The Vertical Dimension of Rivers: Longitudinal Profiles, Profile Adjustments, and Step-Pool Morphology 294 // 13.1 Why Is the Longitudinal Profile of Rivers Important? 294 //
13.2 What Are the Characteristics of the Longitudinal Profile of a River? 294 // 13.3 What Factors Influence Downstream Change in the Size of Bed Material? 297 // 13.4 What Factors Influence Equilibrium Longitudinal Profiles of Alluvial Rivers? 305 // 13.5 What Factors Govern the Equilibrium Longitudinal Profiles of Bedrock Rivers? 306 // 13.6 How Do Longitudinal Profiles Adjust to Changes in External Forcing? 308 // 13.7 How Does Vertical Adjustment Influence the Morphology of Steep Channels? 313 // 14 The Dynamics of Floodplains 319 // 14.1 Why Are Floodplains Important? 319 // 14.2 What Is a Floodplain? 319 // 14.3 Why Do Floodplains Develop along Rivers? 321 // 14.4 What Are the Major Depositional Processes on Floodplains? 321 // 14.5 What Are the Major Erosional Processes on Floodplains? 331 // 14.6 How Are Types of Floodplains Related to Stream Power and Material Properties? 333 // 14.7 How Is Floodplain Sedimentology Related to River Planform Type? 335 // 15 Human Impacts on River Dynamics 343 // 15.1 Why Are Human Impacts on River Dynamics Important? 343 // 15.2 What Are the Major Impacts of Humans on Rivers? 343 // 15.3 How Does Human-Induced Change in Land Cover/Land Use Affect River Systems? 344 // 15.4 How Might Anthropogenic Climate Change Affect River Dynamics? 356 // 15.5 How Does Channelization Affect River Dynamics? 358 // 15.6 How Do Dams Affect River Dynamics? 361 // 15.7 How Does Instream Mining Attect River Dynamics? 366 // 16 River Dynamics and Management 369 // 16.1 Why Is an Understanding of River Dynamics Important in River Management? 369 // 16.2 How Is Scientific Inquiry on River Dynamics Related to Management? 369 // 16.3 What Are the General Goals of Environmental Management of Rivers? 371 // 16.4 What Are the Main Environmentally Oriented River Management Strategies? 373 // 16.5 How Can Geomorphological Assessments Contribute to River Management? 378 //
16.6 What Is the Role of Geomorphology in Implementation of Management Strategies? 389 // Appendix A Power Functions in Fluvial Geomorphology 404 // Appendix B Characterization of Fluvial Sediment 406 // Appendix C Measuring Discharge and Velocities in Rivers 411 // Appendix D Measurement of Sediment Transport in Rivers 414 // Symbols 416 // References 432 // Index 507

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