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0 (hodnocen0 x )
Prague : Institute of International Relations, 2015
159 stran : barevné ilustrace, 1 mapa ; 21 cm

ISBN 978-80-87558-24-9 (brožováno)
Obsahuje bibliografii na stranách 147-157 a bibliografické odkazy
INTRODUCTION 9 // 1. SMALL STATES AND THE CONTEMPORARY - INTERNATIONAL AND SECURITY ENVIRONMENT 13 // 1.1 The Small states in the contemporary international security environment: filling the niches 14 // 1.2 The small state as a generator of ideas and an advocate of international security norms 16 // 1.3 The small state as an unbiased/neutral diplomatic broker in conflicts 18 // 1.4 Active participation of a small state in peacekeeping missions and other military operations 19 // 1.5 The small state as a host of foreign military bases 21 // 1.6 A larger role for small states? 22 // 2. ASYMMETRIC WARFARE: A NEW, RENEWED OR ARCHAIC CONCEPT? 24 // 2.1 Discussion and conclusion 32 // 3. THE SMALL STATE IN AN ASYMMETRIC CONFLICT: WHAT LESSONS COULD BE LEARNED FROM HISTORY? 35 // 3.1 Asymmetry in its development stage: the resistance movement in Slovenia, 1941-1945 35 // 3.1.1 Circumstances 35 // 3.1.2 Formation of a resistance organisation 37 // 3.2 Engaging in combat with an asymmetric opponent: occupying authorities against the Slovenian resistance movement, 1941-1945 43 // 3.3 Counterinsurgency during World War II on Yugoslav territory 52 // 3.3.1 Involvement of Slovenian anti-partisan units (Village Guards- MVAC) in counterinsurgency activities, 1942-1943 57 // 3.3.2 Counterinsurgency warfare in the German occupied area - in the civil administration area (1941-1945) and the operative zone “Adriatisches Küstenland” (1943-1945) 61 // 3.3.3 Slovenian anti-partisan units - Domobranstvo 65 // 3.4 David vs. Goliath version 2.0: Slovenian armed forces resisting the aggression of the Yugoslav People’s Army in the summer of 1991 69 // 3.4.1 Circumstances 69 // 3.4.2 Defence organisation in Slovenia in the summer of 1990 73 // 3.4.3 Preparations for a potential engagement after the declaration of independence 76 // 3.4.4 The armed conflict in June and July 1991 80 //
3.5 Conclusion 84 // 4. THE OPPOSITE PERSPECTIVE: THE ROLE OF A SMALL STATE IN A “GLOBAL” CONFLICT: THE CASE OF SLOVENIANS IN AFGHANISTAN 88 // 4.1 General characteristics of the conflict in Afghanistan 88 // 4.1.1 The first part of the conflict - a successful combination of special and conventional operations 96 // 4.1.2 Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Anaconda 97 // 4.1.3 The attempt to stabilise Afghanistan and intensification of violence 102 // 4.1.4 An analysis of the Afghan conflict and its comparison to Iraq 104 // 4.2 An overview of the role of Slovenia in Afghanistan 111 // 4.3 Slovenian casualty aversion: public perception of lOMs 114 // 4.4 Experiences from the “asymmetric field” 123 // 5. CONCLUSION 137 // ENDNOTES 140 // BIBLIOGRAPHY 147 // NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS 158

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