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Bibliografická citace

0 (hodnocen0 x )
Brussels : European Trade Union Institute, 1997
521 stran : ilustrace ; 21 cm

ISBN 2-930143-25-8 (brožováno)
Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Introduction 9 // Jacques Delors : Have we betrayed the European economic and social venture? 13 // Emilio Gabaglio : Europe: an answer to the challenge of globalisation 31 // Peter Seideneck : Enlargement of the EU: reunification of Europe? 49 // András Toth : Foreign direct investment in central and eastern European Countries and impact on industrial relations 71 // Gérard Fonteneau : Euro-Mediterranean area: what type of partnership? 107 // David Foden : Europe and employment - high priority but modest progress 115 // Willy Buschak : Information society and employment 137 // Maria Helena Andre : Lifelong learning - how to make Europe more innovative 147 // Giuseppe Fajertag : Collective bargaining in Western Europe in 1996: difficult negotiations in a difficult social and economic climate A first overview 157 // Silvia Dürmeier : Atypical working conditions: a European bargaining topic 179 // Reiner Hoffmann : European Works Councils - a building-block in the Europeanisation of industrial relations 189 // Stefan Clauwaert : Fundamental social rights: a real European issue? 209 // Antonia Ramos Yuste : The 1996-1997 IGC and women’s fundamental rights 233 // Brian Bercusson : Litigation in the European Court: The "spill-over" effect 269 // Marc Sapir : The surprises in the Community Working Time Directive and how British Conservatives contributed to the legal debate on a social Europe 295 // Philippe Pochet and Etienne Arcq : UNICE in 1996 - becoming a real social partner 331 // Alessandra Bosco : The European dimension of social protection 349 // Martin Hutsebaut : Pension systems facing up to change 373 // Jeff Bridgford : Trade union education and the Europeanisation of industrial relations 409 // / Eric Verborgh : Improvement of living and working conditions in Europe 421 //
Johan van Rens, Steve Bainbridge : Lifelong learning - a top issue for CEDEFOP 439 // Roger Briesch : The activity of the Workers’ Group (II) in the Economic and Social Committee 457 // Appendix // Alfons Grundheber-Pilgram : Chronology of events 481 // Stefan Clauwaert : Status of initiatives in the action programme to implement the 1989 Social Charter 491 // Interregional Trade Union Councils (ITUCs) 499 // Lilli Wilcox-Poulsen, Giovanna Corda, Fabienne Depas : ETUI Documentation Centre: Selection of relevant literature 501 // Addresses 513 // Authors 521 // European Trade Union Yearbook 1996 // 7

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