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[Česko] : Karolinum, 2022
1 online zdroj (242 stran)
Externí odkaz    Plný text PDF (Bookport) 
   * Návod pro Bookport 

ISBN 978-80-246-4322-9 (online ; pdf)
ISBN 978-80-246-5199-6 (online ; epub)
ISBN 978-80-246-4266-6 (print)
How did the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia approach non-heterosexuality? How did young girls and boys come to realize their queer desires and identities within a state known for repressing individuality? What did they do with that self-awareness—and later on, as adults, what strategies did they employ in their everyday dealings with a state that defined homosexuality as a medical diagnosis? Queer Encounters with Communist Power answers these questions as it interweaves groundbreaking queer oral history with meticulous archival research into the discourses on homosexuality and transsexuality in Czechoslovakia from 1948 to 1989..
Introduction 8 // Prologue 8 // Argument 14 // Terminology 21 // Structure 24 // Chapter 2: Why Sexuality? 27 // Sexuality in Historical Scholarship 28 // Sexuality in the Study of Women and Gender in Eastern Europe 35 // The Queer Oral History Project 40 // Power and Agency in Authoritarian Societies 50 // Chapter 3: Institutional Approaches to Non-Heterosexuality // Legal Framework of Homosexuality // From Cure to Care: Czechoslovak Sexology in its Historical Context 67 // Beyond the Hetero-Homo Duality: Sexological Attention to Transsexuality 82 // Gender Stereotypes in Czechoslovak Sexology 92 // Marital Adaptation Therapy: Homosexuality and Marriage 97 // Chapter 4: Searching for Identity 108 // Growing up Queer 111 // Children and Youth in Communist Ideology 124 // Gender Animosity in Female Narratives // Searching for Queer Reference Points 135 // Chapter 5: The Subversive Potential of Everyday Lives 145 // Proper Gender as Camouflage for Improper Sexuality 145 // Challenging Myths about Female Sexuality 149 // Same-Sex Personal Ads - Reading between the Lines 154 // Queer Family Constellations I6I // Queer Solidarity 173 // Chapter 6: Queer Confrontations with the State 181 // The Hungarian Working Class Was Right to Revolt 184 // "A Whore among Pigs" 189 // Dear Comrades... 195 // Chapter 7: Epilogue 206 // Acknowledgements 222 // Bibliography 224 // Oral History / Biographical Interviews (2009-2018) 224 // Archives, Libraries, Database Collections 224 // Printed Media Sources from the Socialist Era 225 // Primary Sources 226 // Secondary Sources 228 // Index 241

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