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Third edition
New York ; London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
xii, 308 stran, 2 nečíslované strany obrazových příloh : ilustrace (některé barevné) ; 23 cm

ISBN 978-1-138-58738-0 (brožováno)
Second language acquisition research
Terminologický slovník
Obsahuje bibliografie, bibliografické odkazy a rejstřík
CONTENTS // Contributors pH // Preface xi // Acknowledgments xiii // 1 Introduction: The Nature of Theories 1 // Bill VanPatten, Jessica Williams, Gregory D. Keating, // and Stefanie Wulff // 2 Linguistic Theory, Universal Grammar, and Second // Language Acquisition 19 // Lydia White // 3 One Functional Approach to L2 Acquisition: The // Concept-Oriented Approach 40 // Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig // 4 Usage-Based Approaches to L2 Acquisition 63 // Nick C. Ellis and Stefanie Wulff // 5 Skill Acquisition Theory 83 // Robert DeKeyser // 6 Input Processing in Adult L2 Acquisition 105 // Bill VanPatten // vi Contents // 7 The Declarative/Procedural Model: A Neurobiologically // Motivated Theory of First and Second Language 128 // Michael T. Ullman // 8 Processability Theory 162 // Manfred Pienemann and Anke Lenzing // 9 Input, Interaction, and Output in L2 Acquisition 192 // Susan M. Gass and Alison Mackey // 10 Sociocultural Theory and L2 Development 223 // James P. Lantolf Matthew E. Poehner, and Steven L. Thorne // 11 Complex Dynamic Systems Theory 248 // Diane Larsen-Freeman // 12 Theories and Language Teaching 271 // Bill VanPatten // Glossary 291 // Index 301

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