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Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, 2010
1 online zdroj
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ISBN 9781492597322 (online)
ISBN 9781492577812 (PDF ebook)
ISBN 9780736074759 (print)
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To interact with the environment, an individual must code, store, and translate spatial information into the appropriate motor commands for achieving an outcome. Working from this premise, Vision and Goal-Directed Movement: Neurobehavioral Perspectives discusses how visual perception, attention, and memory are linked to the processes of movement preparation and execution. With contributions from active researchers in movement science, Vision and Goal-Directed Movement presents the latest theories on the utilization of vision in goal-directed movement control. As a resource for motor control and motor learning researchers, students, educators, and clinicians, Vision and Goal-Directed Movement offers the following: Comprehensive coverage of current behavior-based literature on the visual control of goal-directed movement; A systematic explication of the sensory and physiological processes and systems responsible for fast, accurate, and efficient performance; A solid foundation for further study of the sensory and neural systems responsible for precise goal-directed behavior; A discussion of how current research on vision and goal-directed movement can assist in creating efficient and safe work environments. (...).
Part I. A Behavioral Approach to Vision and Goal-Directed Movement -- Chapter 1. The Legacy of R.S. Woodworth: The Two Component Model Revisited / Digby Elliott, Steve Hansen, and Lawrence E.M. Grierson ; The Early Two-Component Model ; Alternative Explanations of Speed-Accuracy Relationships ; The Optimized Submovement Model ; Kinematic Evidence for Current Control ; How Ballistic Is the Initial Adjustment? ; Two Types of Current Control ; The Two-Component Model Revisited ; Future Directions -- Chapter 2. The Optimization of Speed, Accuracy and Energy in Goal-Directed Aiming / Digby Elliott, Steve Hansen, and Michael A. Khan ; Practice and Goal-Directed Aiming ; Individual Aiming Trajectories ; Within-Performer Spatial Variability ; Do Early Events Predict Late Events? ; Lessons From the Serial Reaction Time Literature ; Optimizing Energy Expenditure and the Cost of an Error ; Conclusions and Future Directions -- Chapter 3. Visual Selective Attention and Action / Timothy N. Welsh and Daniel J. Weeks ; Attention ; Action-Centered Selective Attention ; Summary and Future Directions -- Chapter 4. Vision and Movement Planning / J. Greg Anson, Rachel Burgess, and Rebekah L. Scott ; Two Visual Systems ; Vision and Movement Planning: Behavioral Perspectives ; Vision and Movement Planning in Nonhuman Primates ; Vision, Movement Planning, and Memory ; Memory-Guided Reaching ; Memory Mechanisms and Planning ; Precuing, Memory, and Movement Planning ; Summary and Future Directions ---
Chapter 5. Memory-Guided Reaching: What the Visuomotor System Knows and How Long It Knows It / Matthew Heath, Kristina A. Neely, Olav Krigolson, and Gordon Binsted ; The Temporal Durability of Stored Target Information ; Visual Awareness and the Evocation of Visually Guided and Memory-Guided Reaches ; Visual Coordinates or a Fully Specified Movement Plan ; Memory-Guided Reaches and the Relationship Between End-Point Error and Corticomotor Potentials ; Conclusions and Future Directions -- Chapter 6. The Preparation and Control of Multiple-Target Aiming Movements / Michael A. Khan, Werner F. Helsen, and Ian M. Franks ; The Influence of Response Complexity on Reaction Time ; Online Programming Hypothesis ; Movement Integration ; Planning and Movement Integration ; Future Directions -- Chapter 7. Rapid Regulation of Limb Trajectories: Response to Perturbation / Steve Hansen, Lawrence E.M. Grierson, Michael A. Khan, and Digby Elliott ; Visual Occlusion ; Physically Changing the Target ; Visual Illusions ; Changing the Visual Context ; Deceiving the Control Processes ; Online Perturbations ; Manipulating Certainty of the Visual Environment ; Future Directions -- Chapter 8. Visual Field Asymmetries in the Control of Target-Directed Movements / Michael A. Khan and Gordon Binsted ; Peripheral Vision Versus Central Vision ; Upper Visual Field Versus Lower Visual Field ; Conclusions and Future Directions -- Part II. Sensory and Neural Systems for Vision and Action ---
Chapter 9. Prediction in Ocular Pursuit / Simon J. Bennett and Graham R. Barnes ; Gaze-Orienting Eye Movements ; Prediction in Ocular Pursuit ; Anticipatory Smooth Pursuit Onset ; Anticipatory Smooth Pursuit During Transient Occlusion ; Predictive Smooth Pursuit During Transient Occlusion ; Coordination Between Smooth Pursuit and Saccades ; Model of Ocular Pursuit ; Neural Pathways for Ocular Pursuit ; Neural Pathways for Ocular Pursuit During Transient Occlusion ; Pursuit Against a Background: Suppression of the Optokinetic Reflex ; Oculomanual Pursuit ; Summary and Future Directions -- Chapter 10. Oculomotor Contributions to Reaching: Close Is Good Enough / Gordon Binsted, Kyle Brownell, Tyler Rolheiser, and Matthew Heath ; Common Anatomies, Divergent Functions ; Eye-Hand Coupling Behavior ; Frames of Reference Hypothesis ; Common Command Hypothesis ; Afferent Information Hypothesis ; Strategy Hypothesis ; Conclusions: Close Is Good Enough ; Future Directions -- Chapter 11. Eye-Hand Coordination in Goal-Directed Action: Normal and Pathological Functioning / Werner F. Helsen, Peter Feys, Elke Heremans, and Ann Lavrysen ; Retinal Versus Extraretinal Information ; Visuomotor Control in Normal Functioning ; Summary of Visuomotor Control in Normal Functioning ; Visuomotor Control in Cerebellar Pathology ; Summary of Visuomotor Control in Cerebellar Pathology ; Conclusions and Future Directions -- Chapter 12. Lateralization of Goal-Directed Movement / Robert L. Sainburg ; Neural Lateralization ; Motor Lateralization ; Biological Correlates of Handedness ; Neurobehavioral Processes Lateralized in Handedness ; Conclusions ; Future Directions -- Chapter 13. Visual Illusions and Action / David A. Westwood ; Historical Context: Perception and Action ; Visual Illusions as a Tool for Studying Perception and Action in the Intact Brain ; Illusions and Action: Emerging Them --
Chapter 14. Two Visual Streams: Neuropsychological Evidence / David P. Carey ; Two Visual Pathways in the Cerebral Cortex ; Early Arguments Against the Milner and Goodale Account ; Double Dissociations in Perception and Action ; Later Controversies: Diagnosing Optic Ataxia ; Summary and Future Directions -- Part III. Learning, Development, and Application -- Chapter 15. Visual Information in the Acquisition of Goal-Directed Action / Luc Tremblay ; Background ; Utilization of Multisensory Information ; Attention and Performance ; Individual Differences in Utilization of Sensory Information ; Modulating the Utilization of Sensory Information Does Not Require Physical Practice ; Utilization of Sensory Information as a Function of Practice ; Conclusions and Future Directions -- Chapter 16. Early Development of the Use of Visual Information for Action and Perception / Margot van Wermeskerken, John van der Kamp, and Geert J.P. Savelsbergh ; Ecological Approach to Perception ; Two Visual Systems ; Development of the Use of Visual Information for Action and Perception in Infancy ; Conclusions and Future Directions -- Chapter 17. Motor Learning Through Observation / Dana Maslovat, Spencer Hayes, Robert R. Horn, and Nicola J. Hodges ; Cognitive Mediated Learning ; Visuomotor Coupling and Direct Learning ; Visual Perception Perspective ; Task Characteristics ; Conclusions and Future Directions -- Chapter 18. Optimizing Performance Through Work Space Design / James L. Lyons ; A Little History ; Human-Machine System ; Newer Issues and Future Direct

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