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[Praha] : Karolinum, 2022
1 online zdroj (348 stran)
Externí odkaz    Plný text PDF (Bookport) 
   * Návod pro Bookport 

ISBN 978-80-246-4940-5 (online ; pdf)
ISBN 978-80-246-4939-9 (print)
více jazyků
In this volume, fifteen scholars and poets, from Austria, Britain, Czechia, France, Germany, Ireland, Lithuania, and Russia, explore the topic of things and objects in poetry written in a number of different languages and in different eras. The book begins with ancient poetry, then moves on to demonstrate the significance of objects in the Chinese poetic tradition. From there, the focus shifts to things and objects in the poetry of the twentieth and the twenty-first century, examining the work of Czech, Polish, and Russian poets alongside other key figures such as Rilke, Francis Ponge, William Carlos Williams, and Paul Muldoon. Along the way, the reader gets an introduction to key terms and phrases that have been associated with things in the course of poetic history, such as ekphrasis, objective lyricism, and hyperobjects..
Introduction: Things in Words - Josef Hrdlička 7 // the Projected Heart: Ekphrasis, Material Imagination, And the Shield of Achilles - Karel Thein 17 // Navigating Poetry as Object and Object as Poetry: Optatian Porfyry And the Ancient History of Dinggedichte - Michael Squire 35 // Beautiful Stones And Exotic Objects: the Symbolism of Things in Early Medieval China - Zornica Kirková And Olga Lomová 71 // The Poetics of Things in the Didactic Poetry of Early German Enlightenment: Barthold Heinrich Brockes - Alice Stašková 91 // Francis Ponge’s Objective Lyricism - Michel Collot 107 // In Mandelstam’s Kitchen - Anne Hultsch 131 // Two Polish Poems About Things - Jakub Hankiewicz 147 // "Time’s Seconds Prominent Arise / Trembling in the Façcade": A Look Back At Roman Architecture. "Il Gesù" by Milada Součková - Josef Vojvodík 161 // The Poem as a Rotary Object: On Texts by H. M. Enzensberger and H. C. Artmann - Pavel Novotný 195 // Words Turned Into Objects: Things in Visual Poetry - Julie Kobližková Wittlichová 207 // Things On An Island - Josef Hrdlička 225 // The Brazenness of Things in Czech Surrealism of the 1960s - Jaromír Typlt 241 // The Thing in Modern Lithuanian Poetry: From Social Imprint to Metaphor of Subjectivity - Dalia Satkauskyte 255 // Two Ekphrastic Strategies in Russian Poetry of the Latter Twentieth Century: "Emptiness" in the Works of Andrei Monastyrski And Arkadii Dragomoshchenko - Kirill Korchagin 277 // Paul Muldoon’s Hyperobjects - Justin Quinn 293 // Contributors 313 // Bibliography 315 // Index 343

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