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Cham : Springer International Publishing AG, 2015
1 online resource (254 pages)
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ISBN 9783319137551 (electronic bk.)
ISBN 9783319137544
Print version: Gray, Matthew J. Ranaviruses Cham : Springer International Publishing AG,c2015 ISBN 9783319137544
8 Persistence of Ranaviruses in the Environment and Carriers.
4 Final Thoughts -- References -- Ranavirus Ecology and Evolution: From Epidemiology to Extinction -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Epidemiology of Ranaviruses -- 2.1 Ranavirus Epidemiology in Amphibians -- 2.2 Ranavirus Epidemiology in Fishes -- 2.3 Ranavirus Epidemiology in Reptiles -- 2.4 Summary of Ranavirus Epidemiology -- 3 Explanations for the Apparent Seasonality of Ranavirus Epidemics -- 3.1 Detection Biases -- 3.2 Seasonal Introductions and Incidence of Ranavirus Infection -- 3.3 Susceptibility Throughout Development -- 3.4 Temperature and Susceptibility -- 4 Susceptibility in the Face of Other Natural and Anthropogenic Stressors -- 4.1 Predators and Other Natural Stressors -- 4.2 Anthropogenic Stressors -- 5 Ranavirus Transmission Within a Species -- 6 Ranavirus Transmission Between Species -- 7 Susceptibility to Ranaviruses Among Species ---
8 Persistence of Ranaviruses in the Environment and Carriers.
Intro -- Contents -- Contributors -- Introduction: History and Future of Ranaviruses -- References -- Distribution and Host Range of Ranaviruses -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Ranaviruses Infecting Amphibians -- 2.1 Frog Virus 3 -- 2.2 Ambystoma Tigrinum Virus -- 2.3 Bohle Iridovirus -- 2.4 Other Amphibian Ranaviruses -- 3 Ranaviruses Infecting Fish -- 3.1 Epizootic Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus -- 3.2 European Catfish Virus -- 3.3 Santee-Cooper Ranavirus -- 3.4 Frog Virus 3 -- 3.5 Bohle Iridovirus -- 3.6 Taxonomically Unassigned Ranaviruses That Affect Fish -- 4 Ranaviruses Infecting Reptiles -- 4.1 History of Reptile Cases -- 4.2 Outbreaks in Chelonians -- 4.3 Outbreaks in Squamates -- 5 Interclass Transmission of Ranaviruses -- 6 Summary and Conclusions -- References -- Ranavirus Taxonomy and Phylogeny -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Ranavirus Taxonomy -- 3 The Future of Ranavirus Taxonomy: Where Do We Go from Here? ---
2.1 Interpreting Infection Data -- 2.2 Planning Surveillance -- 3 Study Design.
3.4 Ranavirus Infections Among Other Poikilothermic Macrophages -- 4 Antiviral Immune Responses to Ranavirus Infections -- 4.1 Antiviral Interferons of Ectothermic Vertebrates.
4 Required Sample Size -- 5 Data Analysis -- 5.1 Confidence Intervals -- 5.2 Comparing Proportions -- 5.3 Viral Titers -- 5.4 Analysis of Survival Data -- 5.5 Mark-Recapture Studies -- 6 Use of Dynamic Models -- 6.1 SI/SIR Models: Transmission -- 6.2 Individual-Based Models/Pattern-Oriented Modeling -- 6.3 Population Matrix Models -- 6.4 Modeling Disease Intervention Strategies -- 6.5 Model Parameterization and "Evaludation" -- 7 Risk Analysis for Introduction of Ranavirus into an Uninfected Area -- 7.1 Defining the Hazard -- 7.2 Risk Assessment -- 7.2.1 Routes of Introduction -- 7.2.2 Consequence Assessment -- 7.2.3 Risk Estimation -- 7.3 Risk Management and Communication -- Appendix 1 -- Appendix 2 -- References -- Index.
9 Selection and Coevolution of Ranaviruses and Their Hosts -- 10 The Evolution of Virulence in Ranaviruses -- 11 The Risk of Extinction from Ranaviruses -- References -- Ranavirus Replication: Molecular, Cellular, and Immunological Events -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Ranavirus Taxonomy and Genomes -- 3 Ranavirus Replication Strategy -- 3.1 Viral Entry -- 3.2 Nuclear Events -- 3.3 Cytoplasmic Events -- 3.4 Virus Assembly -- 4 Impact of Virus Infection on the Host Cell -- 4.1 Cell Death: Necrosis, Apoptosis, and Parapoptosis -- 4.2 Host Shut-Off and the Selective Expression of Viral Gene Products -- 5 Interplay Between Host and Virus Determines the Outcome of Infection at the Organismal Level -- 6 Antiviral Immunity -- 7 Determination of Viral Gene Function -- 7.1 Biochemical and Genetic Approaches ---
2.1 World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) Standards -- 2.2 Matching Diagnostic Tests with Study Goal -- 2.3 Diagnostic Tests -- 2.3.1 Polymerase Chain Reaction -- Conventional PCR -- Quantitative Real-Time PCR -- Differentiation of Ranavirus Species and Strains -- 2.3.2 Antigen-Capture ELISA -- 2.3.3 Virus Isolation -- 2.3.4 Detecting Antibodies: Serology -- 2.3.5 Testing in Animals: Bioassay -- 2.3.6 Examining the Tissues -- Histopathology and Cytology -- Tests for Visualizing the Virus -- Immunohistochemistry -- In Situ Hybridization -- Electron Microscopy -- 2.4 Test Validation and Efficiency -- 2.4.1 Gold Standards and Limitations of Diagnostic Tests -- 3 Treatment and Vaccine Development -- 4 Summary Section with Final Recommendations -- References -- Design and Analysis of Ranavirus Studies: Surveillance and Assessing Risk -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Ranavirus Surveillance ---
3.4 Ranavirus Infections Among Other Poikilothermic Macrophages -- 4 Antiviral Immune Responses to Ranavirus Infections -- 4.1 Antiviral Interferons of Ectothermic Vertebrates.
7.2 Knock Down Strategies: Antisense Morpholino Oligonucleotides and RNA Interference -- 7.3 Knock Out Mutants -- 7.4 Conditionally Lethal Mutants -- 7.5 Ectopic Expression of Recombinant Viral Proteins -- 8 Final Thoughts -- References -- Ranavirus Host Immunity and Immune Evasion -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Innate Immune Responses to Ranavirus Infections -- 2.1 Antimicrobial Peptide Responses to Ranaviral Infection -- 2.2 Innate and Inflammatory Immune Responses -- 2.2.1 Anuran Amphibians -- 2.2.2 Urodel Amphibians -- 2.2.3 Teleost Fish -- 2.3 Determinants of Ranavirus-Induced Pathogenicity and Mortality -- 3 The Complex Roles of Macrophage-Lineage Cells in Ranaviral Disease -- 3.1 Inferences from Rodent Models of FV3 Infection -- 3.2 Amphibian Vectors of Ranaviral Dissemination and Persistence -- 3.3 Macrophage Reservoirs and Ranavirus Reactivation ---
4 Required Sample Size -- 5 Data Analysis -- 5.1 Confidence Intervals -- 5.2 Comparing Proportions -- 5.3 Viral Titers -- 5.4 Analysis of Survival Data -- 5.5 Mark-Recapture Studies -- 6 Use of Dynamic Models -- 6.1 SI/SIR Models: Transmission -- 6.2 Individual-Based Models/Pattern-Oriented Modeling -- 6.3 Population Matrix Models -- 6.4 Modeling Disease Intervention Strategies -- 6.5 Model Parameterization and "Evaludation" -- 7 Risk Analysis for Introduction of Ranavirus into an Uninfected Area -- 7.1 Defining the Hazard -- 7.2 Risk Assessment -- 7.2.1 Routes of Introduction -- 7.2.2 Consequence Assessment -- 7.2.3 Risk Estimation -- 7.3 Risk Management and Communication -- Appendix 1 -- Appendix 2 -- References -- Index.
4.2 Interferon Response to Ranavirus Infection -- 5 Adaptive Immune Responses to Ranavirus Infections -- 5.1 Antibody Responses to Ranavirus Infection -- 5.2 T Cell Responses and Immunological Memory Against Ranavirus Infections -- 5.3 Roles of Nonclassical MHC-Restricted Cells in Ranavirus Immunity -- 6 Ranaviral Strategies for Evading Host Antiviral Immunity -- 6.1 vIF-2a Blocks Phosphorylation of eIF-2a -- 6.2 RNAse III-Like Proteins -- 6.3 b-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase and vCARD -- 6.4 vTNFR, dUTPase, DMTase -- 7 Concluding Remarks and Future Directions -- References -- Comparative Pathology of Ranaviruses and Diagnostic Techniques -- 1 Ranaviral Disease -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Ranaviral Disease Pathology -- 1.2.1 Field and Clinical Findings -- 1.2.2 Gross Pathology -- Amphibians -- Fish -- Reptiles -- 1.2.3 Histopathology -- 1.2.4 Subclinical Infection -- 2 Diagnostic Testing ---
9 Selection and Coevolution of Ranaviruses and Their Hosts -- 10 The Evolution of Virulence in Ranaviruses -- 11 The Risk of Extinction from Ranaviruses -- References -- Ranavirus Replication: Molecular, Cellular, and Immunological Events -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Ranavirus Taxonomy and Genomes -- 3 Ranavirus Replication Strategy -- 3.1 Viral Entry -- 3.2 Nuclear Events -- 3.3 Cytoplasmic Events -- 3.4 Virus Assembly -- 4 Impact of Virus Infection on the Host Cell -- 4.1 Cell Death: Necrosis, Apoptosis, and Parapoptosis -- 4.2 Host Shut-Off and the Selective Expression of Viral Gene Products -- 5 Interplay Between Host and Virus Determines the Outcome of Infection at the Organismal Level -- 6 Antiviral Immunity -- 7 Determination of Viral Gene Function -- 7.1 Biochemical and Genetic Approaches ---

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