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Cham : Springer International Publishing AG, 2021
1 online resource (520 pages)
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ISBN 9783030582784 (electronic bk.)
ISBN 9783030582777
Print version: Vohland, Katrin The Science of Citizen Science Cham : Springer International Publishing AG,c2021 ISBN 9783030582777
The Science of Citizen Science -- Contents -- Chapter 1: Editorial: The Science of Citizen Science Evolves -- What Is Citizen Science? -- The Emergence of the COST Action Research Network -- Part I: Citizen Science as Science -- Part II: Citizen Science in Society -- Part III: Citizen Science in Practice -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 2: What Is Citizen Science? The Challenges of Definition -- Introduction -- The Challenges and Dimensions of Definitions -- Different Interpretations of Citizen Science in Europe -- Definitions in Practice -- Definitions in Different Contexts -- Learning from the Plurality of Definitions -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 3: Citizen Science in Europe -- The Rise of Citizen Science in Europe -- A Diverse Citizen Science Landscape -- Citizen Science in Western and Northern Europe -- Citizen Science in Central and Eastern Europe -- Citizen Science in Southern Europe and the Balkans -- European-Level Support for Citizen Science -- EU Funding for Citizen Science -- Emerging European Citizen Science Networks -- The European Citizen Science Association -- Doing It Together Science (DITOs) Project -- Challenges and Opportunities -- Recommendations for Future Developments -- References -- Part I: Citizen Science as Science -- Chapter 4: Science as a Commons: Improving the Governance of Knowledge Through Citizen Science -- Introduction -- Citizen Science and the Commons: Old and Entangled Concepts -- Science and Knowledge: Networks of Cooperation -- Citizen Science Highlighting the Social Structure of Science -- The Core of Citizen Science Methodologies -- Knowledge as a Commons for Better Governance of (Citizen) Science -- Commons: Beyond Public Goods -- From Natural Commons to Knowledge as a Commons -- Citizen Science as a Commons -- Monitoring Cooperation -- Challenges -- Future Trends and Recommendations.
Clarifying Concepts: Policy-Politics-Polity.
References -- Chapter 5: Citizen Science in the Natural Sciences -- Introduction -- History -- Research Approaches -- Scientific Achievements -- Societal Outcomes -- Challenges -- Relevance, Future Trends, and Recommendations -- References -- Chapter 6: Citizen Humanities -- Introduction -- History -- Types of Citizen Humanities -- Citizen Humanities in Different Disciplines -- Archaeology and History -- Linguistics -- Interdisciplinary Projects -- Platforms -- Implementing Citizen Humanities -- Gamification -- Artificial Intelligence and Big Data -- Unique Methods -- Challenges -- Objectivity and Biases -- Participant Training and Retention -- Digitalisation -- Added Value of the Citizen Humanities -- Tapping Local Knowledge and Critical Reflection -- Relevance -- Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 7: Citizen Social Science: New and Established Approaches to Participation in Social Research -- `Citizen Social Science: A New Term or Old Hat? -- The Epistemic Foundations of Citizen Social Science -- Boundaries and Overlaps with Citizen Science -- Academic Interpretations of Citizen Social Science -- What Are the Key Issues for Citizen Social Science? -- What Does Citizen Social Science Add to the Fields of Social Science and Citizen Science? -- References -- Chapter 8: Data Quality in Citizen Science -- Introduction -- Data as a Risk Factor in Citizen Science Projects -- Data Quality Issues in Citizen Science Projects -- Data Collection Protocols Are Not Followed by Participants -- Data Collection Protocols Do Not Match the Goals of the Project or the Probable Participants -- Data Collection Protocols Are Incorrectly Implemented -- Data Collection Protocols Are Not Comprehensive and Are Used by Stakeholders with Different Data Quality Expectation Levels -- Data Used Are Not Fit for Purpose.
Validation and Verification of Data in Citizen Science Projects -- When Does Validation Occur? -- Data Quality Assurance and Control in Citizen Science -- Conclusions and Recommendations -- References -- Chapter 9: A Conceptual Model for Participants and Activities in Citizen Science Projects -- Introduction -- Towards a Conceptual Model for Citizen Science -- Stakeholders -- Methodology -- Related Conceptual Models -- Conceptual Models of Projects and Participants -- Conceptual Models of Project Outcomes -- The Proposed Conceptual Model for Citizen Science -- Project Description -- Participation and Activity Description -- Application in Case Studies -- Instantiation of Projects -- Deployment of the Conceptual Model -- JRC Citizen Science Project Inventory -- Participatory Toponym Handling Project -- Roadmap for Future Research and Use -- References -- Chapter 10: Machine Learning in Citizen Science: Promises and Implications -- Introduction -- Learning Paradigms in ML -- Examples of ML in Citizen Science -- Challenges and Opportunities of Using ML -- Epistemological and Ethical Challenges -- Making ML More Transparent -- Lessons Learnt -- Future Trends, Recommendations, and Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 11: Participation and Co-creation in Citizen Science -- Introduction -- Articulating Citizen Co-creation in Research -- Case Study 1: OpenSystems - Participatory Design in Citizen Social Science -- Case Study 2: Kubus Science Shop at Technische Universitat Berlin (TUB) -- Case Study 3: Procomuns - PAR and Co-creation of Public Policies -- Case Study 4: The Duchenne Project - When a CSO Leads the Research Process -- Core Principles and Practices -- Co-define and Address Real-World Problems -- Shared Language and Visual Thinking -- Building the Research Community: Frameworks, Ethics, and Collaborative Decision-Making.
Online Citizen Science -- Personal Journeys in Citizen Science and Learning -- Personal Journeys into the Field (Boxes 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, and 15.6) -- Our Emerging Community of Practice: Opportunities and Challenges -- Challenges for Education and Citizen Science -- Tensions Arising from Citizen Science Projects in Educational Settings -- Training Requirements for Citizen Science Projects -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 16: Citizen Science Case Studies and Their Impacts on Social Innovation -- Introduction -- Conceptualising Social Innovation: History and Current Developments -- Linking Social Innovation and Citizen Science -- Citizen Science Case Studies and Social Innovation -- Case Study A: Extreme Citizen Science Projects and Technologies for Social Innovation -- Case Study B: Breathe Brno and `Can I Breathe? - Citizen Projects Promoting Air Quality -- Case Study C: Fortepan - Online Crowdsourced Photo Collection Documenting the Twentieth Century -- Case Study D: INVOLEN - Intergenerational Learning for Nature Conservation Volunteers -- Case E: Improve My City - Direct Citizen-Government Communication and Collaboration -- Challenges, Recommendations, and Future Trends -- References -- Chapter 17: Science as a Lever: The Roles and Power of Civil Society Organisations in Citizen Science -- CSOs as Key Agents of Transformative Research -- CSOs in Citizen Science -- The Roles and Power of CSOs in Participatory Research: Two Case Studies -- Environmental Health and Nuclear Risk: Pluralist Expert Groups -- Occupational Health and Safety: Between Academia and New Social Movements -- Evolving Roles and Relations -- Challenges for CSOs in Citizen Science -- The Power of Transformative Research: Future Perspectives -- References -- Chapter 18: Citizen Science and Policy -- Introduction -- Background -- Underlying Structures.
The Role of Mediation and Participatory Meetings -- Participation Tools and Channels -- Discussion -- Further Reading -- References -- Chapter 12: Citizen Science, Health, and Environmental Justice -- Introduction -- Controversies at the Interface of Citizen Science and Health -- Environmental Justice -- The Relationships, History, and Development of Citizen Science, Health, and Environmental Justice -- The Relationships Between Citizen Science and Health -- The Relationships Between Citizen Science and Environmental Justice -- The Current Landscape -- Task Type -- Research Focus -- Participation Models -- Challenges -- Addressing Health Disparity -- Gaps in the Ability to Volunteer -- Neoliberal Transfer of Responsibility -- Privacy -- Interoperability -- Disparity and Power Imbalance -- Relevance, Future Trends, and Recommendations -- Relevance and Future Trends -- Recommendations -- References -- Part II: Citizen Science in Society -- Chapter 13: Participants in Citizen Science -- Introduction -- Increased Scrutiny of Participants -- Involvement of Citizens -- Levels of Engagement -- Motivation to Participate -- Benefits and Outcomes for Participants -- Participants Challenges and Recommendations for Project Leaders -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 14: Inclusiveness and Diversity in Citizen Science -- Introduction -- Inclusiveness in Citizen Science: Gaps and Trends -- Inclusive Approaches in European Commission Research Initiatives -- Multifaceted Inclusiveness in the COST Action Programme -- The D-NOSES Inclusive Engagement Model -- DITOs: Addressing Gender and Inclusiveness -- Recommendations -- Challenges and Future Trends -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 15: Learning in Citizen Science -- Introduction -- Mapping the Field -- Formal Education -- Out-of-School Education -- Local and Global Communities -- Families -- Museums.
X Editorial: The Science of Citizen Science Evolves... 1 // Katrin Vohland, Anne Land-Zandstra, Luigi Ceccaroni, Rob Lemmens, Josep Perelló, Marisa Ponti, Roeland Samson, and Katherin Wagenknecht // 2 What Is Citizen Science? The Challenges of Definition... 13 // Mordechai (Muki)’ЙаkŃ–Đ°Ń�, Daniel Dörler, Florian Heigl, Marina Manzoni, Susanne Hecker, and Katrin Vohland // 3 Citizen Science in Europe... 35 // Katrin Vohland, Claudia Göbel, Bálint Balázs, Eglé Butkevičieně, Maria Daskolia, Barbora Duží, Susanne Hecker, Marina Manzoni, and Sven Schade // Part I Citizen Science as Science // 4 Science as a Commons: Improving the Governance // of Knowledge Through Citizen Science... 57 // Maite Pelacho, Hannot Rodriguez, Fernando Broncano, Renata Kubus, Francisco Sanz García, Beatriz Gavete, and Antonio Lafuente // 5 Citizen Science in the Natural Sciences... 79 // Didone Frigerio, Anett Richter, Esra Per, Baiba Pruse, and Katrin Vohland // 6 Citizen Humanities... 97 // Barbara Heinisch, Kristin Oswald, Maike Weißpflug, Sally Shuttleworth, and Geoffrey Belknap // vi Contents // 7 Citizen Social Science: New and Established Approaches // to Participation in Social Research... 119 // Alexandra Albert, Bálint Balázs, Eglé Butkevičiené, Katja Mayer, and Josep Perelló // 8 Data Quality in Citizen Science... 139 // Bálint Balázs, Peter Mooney, Eva Nováková, Lucy Bastin, and Jamal Jokar Arsanjani // 9 A Conceptual Model for Participants and Activities in Citizen Science Projects... 159 // Rob Lemmens, Gilles Falquet, Chrisa Tsinaraki, Friederike Klan, Sven Schade, Lucy Bastin, Jaume Piera, Vyron Antoniou, Jakub Trojan, Frank Ostermann, and Luigi Ceccaroni //
10 Machine Learning in Citizen Science: Promises // and Implications... 183 // Martina Franzen, Laure Kloetzer, Marisa Ponti, Jakub Trojan, and Julián Vicens // 11 Participation and Co-creation in Citizen Science... 199 // Enric Senabre Hidalgo, Josep Perelló, Frank Becker, Isabelle Bonhoure, Martine Legris, and Anna Cigarini // 12 Citizen Science, Health, and Environmental Justice... 219 // Luigi Ceccaroni, Sasha M. Woods, James Sprinks, Sacoby Wilson, Elaine M. Faustman, Aletta Bonn, Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, Laia Subirats, and Aya H. Kimura // Part II Citizen Science in Society // 13 Participants in Citizen Science... 243 // Anne Land-Zandstra, Gaia Agnello, and Ya§ar Selman Gültekin // 14 Inclusiveness and Diversity in Citizen Science... 261 // Carole Paleco, Sabina García Peter, Nora Salas Seoane, Julia Kaufmann, and Panagiota Argyri // 15 Learning in Citizen Science... 283 // Laure Kloetzer, Julia Lorke, Joseph Roche, Yaela Golumbic, Silvia Winter, and Aiki Jögeva // 16 Citizen Science Case Studies and Their Impacts on Social // Innovation... 309 // Eglé Butkevičiené, Artemis Skarlatidou, Bálint Balázs, Barbora Duží, Luciano Massetti, Ioannis Tsampoulatidis, and Loreta Tauginiené // Contents vii
// 17 Science as a Lever: The Roles and Power of Civil Society // Organisations in Citizen Science... 331 // Claudia Göbel, Lucile Ottolini, and Annett Schulze // 18 Citizen Science and Policy... 351 // Sven Schade, Maite Pelacho, Toos (C. G. E.) van Noordwijk, Katrin Vohland, Susanne Hecker, and Marina Manzoni // 19 Creating Positive Environmental Impact Through Citizen // Science... 373 // Toos (C. G. E.) van Noordwijk, Isabel Bishop, Sarah Staunton-Lamb, Alice Oldfield, Steven Loiselle, Hilary Geoghegan, and Luigi Ceccaroni // 20 Ethical Challenges and Dynamic Informed Consent... 397 // Loreta Tauginiené, Philipp Hummer, Alexandra Albert, Anna Cigarini, and Katrin Vohland // Part III Citizen Science in Practice // 21 Finding What You Need: A Guide to Citizen Science Guidelines ... 419 // Francisco Sanz García, Maite Pelacho, Tim Woods, Dilek Fraisl, Linda See, Mordechai (Muki) Haklay, and Rosa Arias // 22 Citizen Science Platforms... 439 // Hai-Ying Liu, Daniel Dörler, Florian Heigl, and Sonja Grossberndt // 23 Citizen Science in the Digital World of Apps... 461 // Rob Lemmens, Vyron Antoniou, Philipp Hummer, and Chryssy Potsiou // 24 Communication and Dissemination in Citizen Science... 475 // Simone Rüfenacht, Tim Woods, Gaia Agnello, Margaret Gold, Philipp Hummer, Anne Land-Zandstra, and Andrea Sieber // 25 Evaluation in Citizen Science: The Art of Tracing a Moving Target... 495 // Teresa Schaefer, Barbara Kieslinger, Miriam Brandt, and Vanessa van den Bogaert // Part IV Conclusions/Lessons Learnt // 26 The Recent Past and Possible Futures of Citizen Science: Final Remarks... 517 // Josep Perelló, Andrzej Klimczuk, Anne Land-Zandstra, Katrin Vohland, Katherin Wagenknecht, Claire Narraway, Rob Lemmens, and Marisa Ponti

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