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1st ed.
Bielefeld : transcript, 2020
1 online resource (384 pages)
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   * Návod pro vzdálený přístup 

ISBN 9783839446508 (electronic bk.)
ISBN 9783837646504
Edition Kulturwissenschaft ; v.193
Print version: Deutschmann, Peter »Truth« and Fiction Bielefeld : transcript,c2020 ISBN 9783837646504
Introduction // RUSSIA/UKRAINE // Conspiracy Theories, Discourse Analysis and Narratology - Peter Deutschmann 19 // The News and What Is Behind It: Social Disorder and // Conspirational Reading in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature - Jens Herlth | 35 // Be on the Lookout! Soviet Conspiracy Drama of the 1920s and 1930s - Valery Vyugin 61 // Alternative Constructions of Reality in Maksim Kurochkin’s Play Medea Type Fighter - Evgeniya Safargaleeva | 87 // "Thinking Spiritually” about the Last Tsar’s Murder: Religious Discourse and Conspiracy Theories in Late Soviet Russia - Sergei Shtyrkov | 99 // Alternative Healing Practices, Conspiracy Theory, and Social Trust in Post-Soviet Russia - Konstantin Bogdanov | 117 // The Dulles Plan for Russia: Conspiracy Theories and Moral Panics in Post-Soviet Societies - Alexander Panchenko 131 // Conspiracy Theory and Neoconservative PR Strategies in the 2000-2010s: The Case of Aleksandr Prokhanov - Anna Razuvalova 145 // Plots against Russia: Conspiracy, Sincerity, and Propaganda - Eliot Borenstein 169 // Odessa 2014: Alternative News and Atrocity Narratives on Russian TV - Eva Binder/Magdalena Kaltseis | 185 // THE CZECH REPUBLIC // After the Final Full-Stop: Conspiracy Theories vs. Aesthetic. Response in Miloš Urban’s Poslední tečka za rukopisy (The Final Full-Stop after the Manuscripts) - Gemot Howanitz 211 // Trauma, Conspiracy, Memento: Representations of the Munich Crisis in Czech Cinema - František A. Podhajský | 229 // POLAND // Treason and Conspiracy at the Polish-Ukrainian Border-Sava Chalyi/Sawa Czaty - Alois Woldan | 243 // Norwid’s Critique of Conspiratorial Reason - Christian Zehnder | 261 // Truth under Attack, or the Construction of Conspiratorial Discourses after the Smolensk Plane Crash - Alois Streicher | 279 //
Wallenrodian Conspiracy Revisited Twice and Not Quite: Marcin Wolski’s Wallenrod and Szczepan Twardoch’s Wieczny Grunwald - Bob Muilwijk | 301 // (POST-)YUGOSLAVIA // "The Conspiracy, or the Roots of the Disintegration of European Society. Danilo Kis’s Fictionalization of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion - Dagmar Burkhart 313 // Spying on the Balkan Spy. Paranoia and Conspiracy in the Works of Dušan Kovačevic - Goran Laziči | 333 // Books and Leeches: Conspiracy Theory in Yugoslav and Post-Yugoslav Literatures - Davor Beganovic | 357 // Contributors | 377

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