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Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2021
1 online resource (265 pages)
Externí odkaz    Plný text PDF 
   * Návod pro vzdálený přístup 

ISBN 9789402421156 (electronic bk.)
ISBN 9789402421149
Print version: Miedema, Frank Open Science: the Very Idea Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands,c2021 ISBN 9789402421149
3.4 Science in Transition: A Systems Approach -- 3.5 How Scientists Get Credit -- 3.6 The Credibility Cycle: Opening Pandora’s Box! -- 3.7 Distinction.
2.1 Part 1. Images of Science, a Reality Check -- Introduction -- The Standard Model and the Legend -- The Mertonian Social Order -- The Mythical Image of Science -- The Standard Model: A Reality Check -- Possessed by the Normative, Demeaning the Descriptive -- The Empirical Turn in the Sociology of Science -- The Myths of Science: Frontstage and Backstage -- 2.2 Part 2. The Crisis in Analytical Philosophy -- A Detailed History of the Philosophical Demise of the Legend -- 2.3 Conclusion -- Towards a Realistic Pragmatist View of Science, Natural Science and Social Science and Humanities -- References -- Chapter 3: Science in Transition How Science Goes Wrong and What to Do About It -- 3.1 The Royal Response (1) -- Science in Transition -- 3.2 The Royal Response (2) -- 3.3 Science in Transition Position Paper, October 2013 ---
3.4 Science in Transition: A Systems Approach -- 3.5 How Scientists Get Credit -- 3.6 The Credibility Cycle: Opening Pandora’s Box! -- 3.7 Distinction.
Open Science: the Very Idea -- Preface -- My Journey -- Four Recommended Reading Tracks -- Synopsis -- Chapter 1: Science and Society An Overview of the Problem -- Chapter 2: Images of Science: A Reality Check -- Chapter 3: Science in Transition How Science Goes Wrong and What to Do About It -- Chapter 4: Science and Society: Pragmatism by Default -- Chapter 5: Science in Social Contexts -- Chapter 6: Science in Transition Reduced to Practice -- Chapter 7: Transition to Open Science -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Chapter 1: Science and Society an Overview of the Problem -- 1.1 A Call for Action -- 1.2 The Social Contract for Science, What’s the Problem? -- 1.3 Politics Outside In -- 1.4 The Social Contract of Science Revisited -- 1.5 The Politics of Scientific Choice -- 1.6 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 2: Images of Science: A Reality Check ---
6.3 How Do You Want to Be Judged? -- 6.4 The Call for Health from Society -- 6.5 Science in Transition Abroad -- 6.6 EQUATOR, Meeting a True Pioneer: Doug Altman (1948-2018) -- 6.7 METRICS, the Relentless John Ioannidis -- 6.8 Academic Rewards and Professional Incentives -- 6.9 The Future of Science in Transition -- References -- Chapter 7: Transition to Open Science -- 7.1 The Big Elephant in the Board Room -- 7.2 Responsible Research and Innovation -- 7.3 The Early Voices of Open Science -- 7.4 Politics, Policy and Open Science -- 7.5 EU Stakeholder Consultation on Open Science Policy -- Topics/Sessions of the MLE on Open Science -- Topic A: Different Types of Altmetrics -- Topic B: How to Use Altmetrics in the Context of Open Science -- Topic C: Incentives and Rewards to Engage with Open Science Activities ---
3.8 Of High Church, Low Church -- 3.9 Physics Envy -- 3.10 Science in Transition: The Initial Reception -- 3.11 Science in Transition on Tour -- 3.12 Metrics Shapes Science -- 3.13 It Is Contagious? -- 3.14 Interventions Needed -- 3.15 Sensing the Zeitgeist -- References -- Chapter 4: Science for, in and with Society: Pragmatism by Default -- 4.1 Pragmatism by Default -- 4.2 Why Bother? -- 4.3 New Pragmatists -- 4.4 Beyond the Legend -- References -- Chapter 5: Science in Social Contexts -- 5.1 The ’Pragmatic Model’ in Frankfurt -- 5.2 The Problem of Power -- 5.3 Well-Ordered Science -- 5.4 The Legend Meets Reality and Pragmatism -- 5.5 Rethinking Science -- 5.6 Mode-2: Not the Highway of Academic Science -- 5.7 Re-visioning Science is Opening Up Science -- References -- Chapter 6: Science in Transition Reduced to Practice -- 6.1 The Matrix -- 6.2 The Innovation Loop ---
6.3 How Do You Want to Be Judged? -- 6.4 The Call for Health from Society -- 6.5 Science in Transition Abroad -- 6.6 EQUATOR, Meeting a True Pioneer: Doug Altman (1948-2018) -- 6.7 METRICS, the Relentless John Ioannidis -- 6.8 Academic Rewards and Professional Incentives -- 6.9 The Future of Science in Transition -- References -- Chapter 7: Transition to Open Science -- 7.1 The Big Elephant in the Board Room -- 7.2 Responsible Research and Innovation -- 7.3 The Early Voices of Open Science -- 7.4 Politics, Policy and Open Science -- 7.5 EU Stakeholder Consultation on Open Science Policy -- Topics/Sessions of the MLE on Open Science -- Topic A: Different Types of Altmetrics -- Topic B: How to Use Altmetrics in the Context of Open Science -- Topic C: Incentives and Rewards to Engage with Open Science Activities ---
Topic D: Guidelines for Open Science -- 7.6 Open Science, the Next Level -- 7.7 The Sceptics: ’Open Science is either naive or the next neoliberal trick’.
3.8 Of High Church, Low Church -- 3.9 Physics Envy -- 3.10 Science in Transition: The Initial Reception -- 3.11 Science in Transition on Tour -- 3.12 Metrics Shapes Science -- 3.13 It Is Contagious? -- 3.14 Interventions Needed -- 3.15 Sensing the Zeitgeist -- References -- Chapter 4: Science for, in and with Society: Pragmatism by Default -- 4.1 Pragmatism by Default -- 4.2 Why Bother? -- 4.3 New Pragmatists -- 4.4 Beyond the Legend -- References -- Chapter 5: Science in Social Contexts -- 5.1 The ’Pragmatic Model’ in Frankfurt -- 5.2 The Problem of Power -- 5.3 Well-Ordered Science -- 5.4 The Legend Meets Reality and Pragmatism -- 5.5 Rethinking Science -- 5.6 Mode-2: Not the Highway of Academic Science -- 5.7 Re-visioning Science is Opening Up Science -- References -- Chapter 6: Science in Transition Reduced to Practice -- 6.1 The Matrix -- 6.2 The Innovation Loop ---
7.8 Beyond the Metrics: Why Care About How We Assess Research Impact? -- 7.9 Open Science in an Open Society -- References -- Chapter 8: Epilogue: Open Science in an Open Society -- 8.1 Open Society -- References -- Supplements -- Supplement 2 -- The Metric Tide, 2015 -- Supplement 3 -- The Leiden Manifesto -- Supplement 4 -- Amsterdam Call for Action on Open Science -- A Speedy Transition Is Needed -- From Vision to Action -- Twelve Action Items with Concrete Actions to Be Taken -- The Problem -- The Solution -- Concrete Actions -- Expected Positive Effects -- Supplement 5 -- Rome Declaration on Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe -- Supplement 6 -- Summary Article MLE Open Science - Enabling Systemic Change Through Mutual Learning -- Key Lessons on the Transition to Open Science.

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