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Cham : Springer International Publishing AG, 2022
1 online resource (216 pages)
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ISBN 9783030917319 (electronic bk.)
ISBN 9783030917302
IMISCOE Research Ser.
Print version: Schweitzer, Reinhard Micro-Management of Irregular Migration Cham : Springer International Publishing AG,c2022 ISBN 9783030917302
Chapter 3: Research Design, Cases and Methodology -- 3.1 The Study: Research Design and Case Selection -- 3.2 The Methodology: Data Sources, Data Collection and Data Analysis -- 3.3 Methodological and Ethical Challenges for Research in the Context of Irregularity -- References -- Chapter 4: Migrant Irregularity in Britain and Spain, London and Barcelona -- 4.1 State Responses to Migrant Irregularity: Deportation, Regularisation and Internal Control in the UK and Spain -- 4.1.1 Regularisation in Spain and the UK -- 4.1.2 Deportation and Deportability in the UK and Spain -- 4.1.3 Internalised Immigration Control and Enforcement in the UK and Spain -- 4.2 City Responses to Migrant Irregularity and Its Localised Control -- 4.2.1 The City as Sanctuary, Source of Membership and Site for Population Control ---
4.2.2 Local Administrations Helping to ’Circumvent’ Migrant Irregularity -- 4.3 Migrant Irregularity and the British and Spanish Welfare States -- References -- Chapter 5: Managing Irregularity Through the Provision of Public Healthcare.
Chapter 3: Research Design, Cases and Methodology -- 3.1 The Study: Research Design and Case Selection -- 3.2 The Methodology: Data Sources, Data Collection and Data Analysis -- 3.3 Methodological and Ethical Challenges for Research in the Context of Irregularity -- References -- Chapter 4: Migrant Irregularity in Britain and Spain, London and Barcelona -- 4.1 State Responses to Migrant Irregularity: Deportation, Regularisation and Internal Control in the UK and Spain -- 4.1.1 Regularisation in Spain and the UK -- 4.1.2 Deportation and Deportability in the UK and Spain -- 4.1.3 Internalised Immigration Control and Enforcement in the UK and Spain -- 4.2 City Responses to Migrant Irregularity and Its Localised Control -- 4.2.1 The City as Sanctuary, Source of Membership and Site for Population Control ---
Intro -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- List of Figures -- Chapter 1: Introduction -- References -- Chapter 2: The ’Management’ of Migration - And of the Resulting Irregularities -- 2.1 The State as the ’Manager’ of Migration? -- 2.2 The ’Unmanaged’: Irregular Migrants as the Exception to the Rule -- 2.2.1 Migrant Irregularity as a Gesture of State Sovereignty and a Device of Governmentality -- 2.2.2 Managing Irregular Migration Through Deportation and Regularisation -- 2.2.3 Managing Irregular Migration Through Internal Exclusion and Inclusion -- 2.3 Public Sector Organisations and Street-Level Bureaucrats as Local Mediators of Competing Functional Imperatives and Institutional Logics -- 2.4 A Framework for Systematic Analysis of the Micro-management of Irregular Migration -- References ---
6.1 Between Human Rights and Unwanted Integration: Ambivalent Legal-Political Contexts for the Provision of Public Education to Irregular Migrants -- 6.2 Legal Frameworks, Formal Entitlements and Practical Barriers for Irregular Migrants’ Access to Public Education Provided in London and Barcelona -- 6.2.1 Irregular Migrants’ Access to Compulsory Education and Related Services -- 6.2.2 Irregular Migrants’ Access to Post-compulsory Education and Training -- 6.3 Negotiating the Effective Limits of Access, Educational Need and Immigration Control: The Role(s) and Agency of Education Workers -- 6.3.1 Administrators of Public Education and Related Services -- 6.3.2 Professional Providers of Public Education -- 6.3.3 ’Managers’ of Irregularity Within the Education System -- 6.4 Education Workers as Migration Managers? -- References ---
5.1 Between Hostility and Pragmatism: Ambivalent Legal-Political Contexts for the Provision of Public Healthcare to Irregular Migrants -- 5.2 Legal Frameworks, Formal Entitlements and Practical Barriers for Irregular Migrants’ Access to Public Healthcare in London and Barcelona -- 5.2.1 Irregular Migrants’ Access to Primary and Emergency Healthcare -- 5.2.2 Irregular Migrants’ Access to Secondary Healthcare -- 5.3 Negotiating the Effective Limits of Access, Medical Urgency and Immigration Control: The Role(s) and Agency of Healthcare Workers -- 5.3.1 Administrators of Healthcare -- 5.3.2 Professional Providers of Healthcare -- 5.3.3 ’Managers’ of Irregularity Within the Healthcare System -- 5.4 Healthcare Workers as Migration Managers? -- References -- Chapter 6: Managing Irregularity Through the Provision of Public Education ---
6.1 Between Human Rights and Unwanted Integration: Ambivalent Legal-Political Contexts for the Provision of Public Education to Irregular Migrants -- 6.2 Legal Frameworks, Formal Entitlements and Practical Barriers for Irregular Migrants’ Access to Public Education Provided in London and Barcelona -- 6.2.1 Irregular Migrants’ Access to Compulsory Education and Related Services -- 6.2.2 Irregular Migrants’ Access to Post-compulsory Education and Training -- 6.3 Negotiating the Effective Limits of Access, Educational Need and Immigration Control: The Role(s) and Agency of Education Workers -- 6.3.1 Administrators of Public Education and Related Services -- 6.3.2 Professional Providers of Public Education -- 6.3.3 ’Managers’ of Irregularity Within the Education System -- 6.4 Education Workers as Migration Managers? -- References ---
Chapter 7: Managing Irregularity Through the Provision of Social Assistance.
5.1 Between Hostility and Pragmatism: Ambivalent Legal-Political Contexts for the Provision of Public Healthcare to Irregular Migrants -- 5.2 Legal Frameworks, Formal Entitlements and Practical Barriers for Irregular Migrants’ Access to Public Healthcare in London and Barcelona -- 5.2.1 Irregular Migrants’ Access to Primary and Emergency Healthcare -- 5.2.2 Irregular Migrants’ Access to Secondary Healthcare -- 5.3 Negotiating the Effective Limits of Access, Medical Urgency and Immigration Control: The Role(s) and Agency of Healthcare Workers -- 5.3.1 Administrators of Healthcare -- 5.3.2 Professional Providers of Healthcare -- 5.3.3 ’Managers’ of Irregularity Within the Healthcare System -- 5.4 Healthcare Workers as Migration Managers? -- References -- Chapter 6: Managing Irregularity Through the Provision of Public Education ---
7.1 Public Support for Non-members: Ambivalent Legal-Political Contexts for the Provision of Social Assistance and Protection to Irregular Migrants -- 7.2 Legal Frameworks, Formal Entitlements and Practical Barriers for Irregular Migrants’ Access to Social Assistance Provided in London and Barcelona -- 7.2.1 Irregular Migrants’ Access to Basic Support -- 7.2.2 Irregular Migrants’ Access to Substantial and Longer-Term Support -- 7.3 Negotiating the Effective Limits of Vulnerability, Deservingness and Immigration Control: The Role(s) and Agency of Social Assistance Workers -- 7.3.1 Administrators of Social Assistance and Protection -- 7.3.2 Professional Providers of Social Assistance and Protection -- 7.3.3 ’Managers’ of Irregularity Within the Social Assistance System -- 7.4 Social Assistance Workers as Migration Managers? -- References -- Chapter 8: Conclusion -- 8.1 The Role of Local Contexts, Public Institutions, and Street-Level Bureaucrats in the Micro-management of Irregular Migration -- 8.1.1 Public Service Provision Between Regularisation and Deportation -- 8.1.2 Different Kinds and Categories of Street-Level Bureaucrats -- 8.1.3 The Difference Between, and Varying Degrees of, ’Having to Know’ and ’Having to Tell’ -- 8.1.4 Organisational Responses to Internalised Control -- 8.2 Problematising Migrant Irregularity Together with Its Control -- References.

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