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First edition
Bratislava : Institute of Political Science of the SAS : Veda, Publishing House of the SAS, 2020
317 stran : ilustrace, portréty, faksimile ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-80-224-1840-9 (Veda ; vázáno)
Přeloženo ze slovenštiny?
Chronologický přehled
Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy a rejstřík
Introduction (Ivan Laluha and Miroslav Peknik) ... 8 // Alexander Dubček’s personality and his work in the domestic and international political arena // A personal profile of Alexander Dubček (reformist and visionary) - Ivan Laluha ... 12 // Alexander Dubček through the eyes of the general public - Ľudmila Benkovičová ...? // Alexander Dubček’s Europeanism - Ivan Laluha ... 45 // Alexander Dubček in international politics - Antonín Bencik... 72 // Slovak national identity and political movements in the 1960s Marcela Gbúrová ... 91 // Humanism and social justice in the context of Alexander Dubček’s role as a political leader - Marcela Gbúrová ... 105 // Specific aspects of the so-called dealing with the "communist" past - Peter Dinuš... 110 // János Kádar and Alexander Dubček in the context of a two-front war policy - Jozef Kiss ... 129 // The Prague Spring - Alexander Dubček and his critics - Antonín Benčík... 135 // Ivan Laluha, Miroslav Pekník (eds.): Alexander Dubček and Politics with a Human Face // Alexander Dubček’s return to politics after November 1989 - Miroslav Pekník... 161 // Alexander Dubček at the Federal Parliament after November 1989 - Jozef Žatkuliak ... 166 // Alexander Dubček’s reception abroad // Alexander Dubček and the Germans - Christoph Zöpel... 178 // Dubček’s renown in Slovak foreign resistance (Occupation in the looming shade of World War III) - Imrich Kružliak... 186 // Dubček’s historic role in the 1960s cannot be challenged - Heinz Fischer... 194 // Alexander Dubček is part of history, he belongs to Europe and to humanity - Guido Gambetta ... 199 // For democracy, for social balance - Wolfgang Roth...203 // The 1960s really went the right way - Čestmír Císař...206 // Dubček’s Grand Experiment - Peter Brandt... 210 // Why Alexander Dubček is more recognised abroad - Miloš Bárta... 212 //
The Italian Communist Party and the Czechoslovak Spring of 1968 Luciano Antonetti ... 213 // Remembering Alexander Dubček // Memories of a personal friend - Pavel Pollák... 218 // Let us breathe in bravery and humanity - Ladislav Ťažký...235 // Young Alexander Dubček - as I remember him - Mária Petro-Vencelová...244 // Memories of Alexander Dubček and his family - Dana Hermanová...248 // Memories of a personal friend - Teodor Baník ...254 // Personal meetings and Alexander Dubček’s legacy // Memorandum of a meeting with Alexander Dubček // Archives of the KSČ Central Committee...262 // History is not a chain of victories // Exclusive interview with Alexander Dubček...265 // The perception of Alexander Dubček’s political personality by students of political science - Milan Čáky... 274 // Youth and Alexander Dubček’s legacy - Viera Uherčíková...278 // Uhrovec - the birthplace of Alexander Dubček preserves and promotes his legacy - Eleonóra Petrovičová...284 // Brief biographical chronology...287 // Name index...291 // About the authors...297 // Photographs...299

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