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First published
London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2022
xxx, 586 stran : ilustrace ; 26 cm

ISBN 978-1-032-12607-4 (vázáno)
ISBN 978-1-032-20552-6 (brožováno)
Routledge handbooks
List of Figures // List of Tables // List of Contributors // Foreword // Acknowledgements // Introduction: Signature Pedagogy - A Practice Laboratory of Social Work // Education 1 - Rajendra Baikady, Varoshini Nadesan, Sajid S.M., and M. Rezaul Islam // PART I Transforming Practice Teaching: Perspectives from Asia and the Pacific 11 // 1 Reclaiming a Macro Lens, Recasting Multilevel Practice: Social Work Field Education in Hong Kong 13 - Andrew Pau Hoang, Lo Kai Chung, and Lucy Porterfordan // 2 Developing Health Care Social Work Curriculum and Arranging Fieldwork Education in China 29 - Johnston H. C. Wong // 3 Fieldwork Education in Social Work as One Way of Building Bridges between China and Europe 44 - Staffan Höjer, Honglin Chen, Juha Hämäläinen, Jie Lei, Steven M Shardlow, and Zhao Fang // 4 Field Work Education in Social Work: Perspectives of Vietnamese Social Work Students 57 - Huong T. Hoang and Hang T Dao // PART II Strengthening Field Education in Social Work: The North and South American Experience 79 // 5 Adopting a Trauma-informed Perspective in the Field Practicum: Current Realities and Future Challenges 81 - Carolyn Knight // 6 Social Work Field Education in the United States 99 - Carole Cox and Jan Miner // 7 It’s Time to Deconstruct the Problematic Attitude of ’Fieldwork’ of the ’Global North’! 110 - Shweta Singh // 8 Social Work Field Education in Canada 124 - Marion Bogo and Karen M. Sewell // 9 Integrated and Holistic Education for Social Work: The Special Place of Field Education 141 - Naomi B. Farber, Mariah Moran, and Steven Wahle // 10 When the Going Gets Tough: Case Studies of Challenge and Innovation in Canadian Field Education 156 - Brenda Morris, Sarah Todd, and Alicia Kalmanovitch // PART III Current Realities of Social Work Field Education in Australia and Oceania 173 //
11 Social Work Field Education in Australia: Concepts, Challenges, and Twenty-First-Century Concerns 175 - Helen Cleak // 12 ’Getting Used to the First Nations Person in the Room’: A Discussion on Field Practice in Australia 187 - Kiel Hennessey, Steven Keed, Rachael Howard, Bindi Bennett, Phillip Pallas, and Kylie Agllias // 13 Aotearoa New Zealand Field Education Practice 203 - Kathryn Hay, Dominic Chilvers, and Jane Maidment // 14 Understanding Simulated Learning and its Relationship to Field Education 218 - Jennifer Boddy, Lise Johns, Christian D. Frost, Mark Lynch, and Fiona Stevens // 15 Social Work Field Education in Australia: Issues and Trends 232 - Kylie AgUias and Leanne Schubert // PART IV Social Work Field Education in Europe 247 // 16 ’She Subjected Me to Pressure from Everybody in the Team’: Aligning Black African Students’ Experiences of Field Education with Social Workers’ Motivations for Becoming Practice Educators in England 249 - Prospera Tedam and Irine Mano // 17 Teaching Field Social Work: Views from Ukrainian Academia 265 - Tetyana Semigina // 18 Professional Placements in Social Work Training in Southern Spain: A Comparison with Other Social Sciences 280 - Roser Manzanera-Ruiz and Maria del Valle Medina Rodriguez // 19 Estonian Undergraduate Social Work Students’ Reflections on Field Placement: Challenges for Novice Social Workers 295 - Karmen Toros, Kersti Kriisk, and Anne Tiko // 20 Fieldwork Education in Social Work in Italy 310 - Annamaria Campanini, Marilena Dellaualle, and Giovanni Cellini // 21 A Critical Review of Practice Education in England 324 - Graham Ixer, Mary Baginsky, and Jill Manthorpe // 22 Hearing the Student Voice: An Evaluation of Students’ Experiences and Learning in Fieldwork Education in University College Dublin, Ireland 337 - Elaine Wilson and Niamh Flanagan //
23 Fieldwork in social work education in Slovenia: Needs, challenges and possible solutions 360 - Liljana Rihter and Tamara Rape Zibema // 24 Prior to Embarking on First Fieldwork Education Exposure: Preparing Social Work Students through Five Experiential Learning Activities 378 - Elena Cabiati and Fabio Folgheraiter // 25 Reflexivity Development Demonstrated in Examples of Field Placements of Social Work Students 391 - Navrátil Pavel and Navrátilová Jitka // 26 Experiences of Social Work Fieldwork Education in Romania - Béla Szabo, Agnes Dávid-Kacsó, and Eva László // 27 Reflexivity as a Pivotal Component of Fieldwork in Social Work Education - Jaroslaw Przeperski and Malgorzata Ciczkowska-Giedziun // 28 Unconventional Practice Placements: Creativity, Partnership, and New Professional Opportunities in an Italian Experience of Social Work Field Education - M.L. Raineri, E Corradini, C. Landi, and P Limongelli // 29 Construction and Evaluation of Knowledge in Social Work from the Evidence of Professional Internships in Spain - Enrique Pastor Seller // 30 Character Strengths and Virtues for Competent Fieldwork Education: Perspectives of Undergraduate Students from Two University Departments of Social Work in Greece - Eleni Papouli, Sevaste Chatzifotiou, and Charalampos Tsairidis // 31 Supervision About Culture and Culture in Supervision: International Field Placement - Gurid Aga Askeland and Elsa Dohlie // 32 Resilience Enhancement in Social Work Field Education - Monika Punová // 33 Social Work Field Instruction in Turkey: Challenges, Problems, and Implications - Cemre Bolgiin and Bugra Yildirim // PART V Social Work Field Education under COVID-19 // 34 The Self-Directed Practicum: An Innovative Response to COVID-19 and a Crisis in Field Education - Beth Archer-Kuhn, Angela Judge-Stasiak, Lorraine Letkemann, Jennifer Hewson, and Jessica Ayala //
35 COVID-19 Pandemic: A Threat or an Opportunity to Fieldwork // Education in England? - Paula Beesley // 36 Performance of Volunteering and Work Duties During the Pandemic of COVID-19 in the Czech Republic: Lived Experience of Social Work Students 552 - Marie Špiláčková, Kateřina Glumbíková, Veronika Zegzulková, Iva Tichá, and Pavlína Rabasová // Conclusion: Technological Advancement and Changing Landscape of Social Work Practice - Challenges Ahead of Next-generation Practitioners 564 - Rajendra Baikady, Varoshini Nadcsan, S.M. Sajid, and M. Rezaul Islam // Index 569

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