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(1) Půjčeno:1x 
Berlin : Zeughaus, [2019]
144 stran : ilustrace (převážně barevné), mapy, portréty, plány, faksimile ; 27 cm

ISBN 978-3-96360-017-3 (brožováno)
"Illustrations: Sascha Lunyakov"--Strana 5
Přeloženo z němčiny
Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Translator’s Notes 9 // Chronology 10 // The Hussite Revolution One Nation and One Reformer 11 // The First Prague Defenestration and its Effects 12 // The Hussite Military System The Pillars of the Army 16 // Theological Justification 16 // Žižka’s War Directives 18 // The Hussite War Wagon 20 // The Infantry 24 // The Cavalry 36 // The Artillery 40 // Flags 50 // Army Structure Characteristics of the Prague Levy 52 // On the March 52 // Army Manpower 53 // Castles and Field Fortifications 54 // Siege Warfare 56 // Spies and Assassins 63 // Tactics 64 // The Hussite Wars The Unlucky King 68 // The First Hussite Crusade 68 // The Spread of the Hussites in Bohemia 74 // The Second Hussite Crusade 78 // The Third Hussite Crusade 84 // Internal Ruptures 87 // "King” Korybut 90 // The Battle of Ústi (Aussig) 98 // The Fourth Hussite Crusade 100 // The "Beautiful Rides" Raids into Silesia 104 // Raids into the Lausitz 106 // The Great Hussite Excursion of 1429-30 110 // The Raid into the Mark of Brandenburg in 1432 114 // Hussites in Poland 116 // The Great "Beautiful Ride" of 1433 117 // The Fifth Hussite Crusade 119 // The Council of Basel 122 // The Downfall: Lipany 124 // The Hussite King 130 // The Hussite Revolution as the Bohemian Reformation 132 // Effects of the Hussite Military System on Other European Armies 132 // The Significance of the Hussite Military System for Military History 135 // Military Leaders Jan Žižka 136 // Jan Želivsky 137 // Mikuláš of Hus (Mikuláš z Husi) 137 // Andreas Procopius (Prokop) 138 // Jan Čapek ze Sán 139 // Diviš Bořek z Miletínka 139 // Primary Sources / Primary Graphic Sources 141 // Secondary Literature 142

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