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20th Anniversary edition
New York ; London : Norton & Company, 2017
494 stran, 32 nečíslovaných stran obrazových příloh : ilustrace, mapy, portréty ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-0-393-35432-4 (brožováno)
Preface to the Paperback Edition 9 // Prologue Yalis Question // The regionally differing courses of history 13 // part one From Eden to Cajamarca ?3 // CHAPTER 1 UP TO THE STARTING LINE // What happened on all the continents before 11,000 ?.cd 35 // chapter 2 A NATURAL EXPERIMENT OF HISTORY // How geography molded societies on Polynesian islands 53 // chapter 3 COLLISION AT CAJAMARCA // Why the Inca emperor Atahuallpa did not capture King Charles I of Spain 67 // part two The Rise and Spread of Food // Production ?3 // chapter 4 FARMER POWER // The roots of guns, germs, and steel 85 // chapter 5 HISTORY’S HAVES AND HAVE-NOTS // Geographic differences in the onset of food production 93 // chapter 6 TO FARM OR NOT TO FARM // Causes of the spread of food production 104 // chapter 7 HOW TO MAKE AN ALMOND // The unconscious development of ancient crops 114 // chapter 8 APPLES OR INDIANS // Why did peoples of some regions fail to domesticate plants? 131 // CHAPTER 9 ZEBRAS, UNHAPPY MARRIAGES, AND THE ANNA KARENINA PRINCIPLE // Why were most big wild mammal species never domesticated? 157 // chapter 10 SPACIOUS SKIES AND TILTED AXES // Why did food production spread at different rates on different continents? 176 // part three From Food to Guns, Germs, and Steel 193 // chapter 11 LETHAL GIFT OF LIVESTOCK // The evolution of germs 195 // chapter 12 BLUEPRINTS AND BORROWED LETTERS // The evolution of writing 215 // chapter 13 NECESSITY’S MOTHER // The evolution of technology 239 // chapter 14 FROM EGALITARIANISM TO KLEPTOCRACY // The evolution of government and religion 265 // part four Around the World in Five Chapters 293 // chapter is YALI’S PEOPLE // The histories of Australia and New Guinea 295 // chapter 16 HOW CHINA BECAME CHINESE // The history of East Asia 322 // chapter 17 SPEEDBOAT TO POLYNESIA // The history of the Austronesian expansion 334 //
chapter 18 HEMISPHERES COLLIDING // The histories of Eurasia and the Americas compared 354 // chapter 19 HOW AFRICA BECAME BLACK // The history of Africa 376 // epilogue The Future of Human History as a Science 4?? // 2003 Afterword: Guns, Germs, and Steel Today 426 // Acknowledgments 441 // Further Readings 442 // Credits 472 // Index 475

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