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First published
Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2023
xiii, 323 stran : ilustrace ; 23 cm

ISBN 978-1-108-45704-0 (brožováno)
Obsahuje bibliografii a rejstřík
List of Figures page viii // List of Tables xi // Acknowledgments xiii // Part I Foundations 1 // 1 Introduction 3 // 1.1 What This Book Is About 3 // 1.2 How This Book Connects with What You Already Know 4 // 1.3 How This Book Is Structured 6 // 2 Concepts, Data, and Methods 11 // 2.1 Introduction: Why Discourse Syntax? 11 // 2.2 Sentences vs. Utterances 16 // 2.3 Discourse Syntax and the Functional Tradition in Linguistics 23 // 2.4 Gathering Data for the Study of Discourse Syntax 26 // 2.5 Two Approaches for Studying the Relationship of Syntax // and Discourse 32 // 2.6 Summary 41 // 2.7 Exercises 42 // Part II Grammar in Discourse 49 // 3 Non-canonical Beginnings 51 // 3.1 Introduction 51 // 3.2 Adjuncts in Front-Position 53 // 3.3 NP-Fronting and Left-Dislocation 59 // 3.3.1 The Discourse Function of Fronting 60 // 3.3.2 Left-Dislocation as a Discourse Strategy 62 // 3.3.3 Topicality in Discourse: Fronting vs. Left-Dislocation 64 // 3.3.4 Text-Linguistic Variation of Fronting and // Left-Dislocation 68 // 3.4 Reversed Argument Order: Inversion of Subject and Verb 71 // 3.4.1 Basic Form and Function 71 // V // Contents // vi // 3.4.2 The Information-Packaging Function of Inversion 74 // 3.4.3 Text-Linguistic Variation of Inversion 77 // 3.5 Summary 80 // 3.6 Exercises 81 // 4 Variation in the Middle 88 // 4.1 Introduction 88 // 4.2 Canonical and Non-canonical Argument Realization 90 // 4.3 Argument Realization in the Passive 97 // 4.3.1 Short vs. Long Passives 101 //
4.3.2 The Role of Previous Discourse: Topic and Weight 104 // 4.4 Argument Realization in the Verb-Particle Construction 112 // 4.4.1 Which Pattern is Basic? 112 // 4.4.2 The Role of Previous Discourse: Information Status // and Weight 115 // 4.5 Summary 120 // 4.6 Exercises 121 // 5 Special Endings 130 // 5.1 Introduction 130 // 5.2 It-Extraposition 132 // 5.2.1 The Information-Packaging Function // of It-Extraposition 135 // 5.2.2 The Role of Discourse: Extraposition // or Non-extraposition? 140 // 5.3 It-Clefting 143 // 5.3.1 Functions of It-Clefting: Foregrounding, Focus, and // Presupposition 145 // 5.3.2 It-Clefting in Different Types of Discourse 148 // 5.4 Summary 153 // 5.5 Exercises 153 // Part III Grammar of Discourse 159 // 6 Connectives 161 // 6.1 Introduction 161 // 6.2 Additive Conjunction from a Variationist Perspective: Overt // Marking vs. "Zero" 164 // 6.3 Text-Linguistic Variation: Additive Conjunction in // Different Types of Discourse 169 // 6.4 Connective Adjuncts 175 // 6.5 Connectives in Academic Discourse 178 // 6.6 Summary 182 // 6.7 Exercises 183 // 7 Pronouns and Ellipsis 189 // 7.1 Introduction 189 // 7.2 Types of Pronominal Reference 192 // 7.3 Pronouns within Discourse 200 // 7.4 Pronouns across Types of Discourse 205 // 7.5 Types of Ellipsis 209 // 7.6 Subject Ellipsis: The Discourse Perspective 211 // 7.7 Summary 215 // 7.8 Exercises 215 // 8 Discourse Markers 222 // 8.1 Introduction 222 //
8.2 Discourse Marker: A Category of Grammar? 225 // 8.3 Variation in Position: Bracketing vs. Interactive Function // of then 233 // 8.4 More Syntactic Variation: Discourse Marker Sequences 238 // 8.5 The Role of Discourse Type: Functions of You Know // in Speech and Writing 241 // 8.6 Variation in Discourse over Time: The Development // of Discourse Markers 244 // 8.7 Summary 248 // 8.8 Exercises 248 // 9 Grammar and Genre 254 // 9.1 Introduction: The Role of Register and Genre 254 // 9.2 Grammar and Medium: Written vs. Spoken Genres 256 // 9.3 A Genre and Its Grammar: Research Article Abstracts 260 // 9.3.1 Typical of the Genre: The Handling of Agentivity 260 // 9.3.2 Noun Phrase and Phrasal Complexity 266 // 9.4 Register Features of Digital Discourse 270 // 9.4.1 Digital Discourse as an Environment for Linguistic // Innovation 270 // 9.4.2 Hashtags: #informationpackaging #coolstuff 272 // 9.4.3 Because X: A New Chapter in a Preposition’s Life 275 // 9.5 Summary 281 // 9.6 Exercises 282 // Glossary 289 // References 302 // Index 320 // Additional resources can be found at www.cambridge.org/Discourse // Syntax

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