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Bibliografická citace

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First published
Harlow : Pearson Education Limited, 2018
svazků ; 30 cm

ISBN 978-1-292-19147-8 (workbook ; brožováno)
Workbook. 64 stran
UNIT 1 > INNOVATION // Vocabulary Innovation 4 // Grammar Articles: a/an, the, no article 5 // Listening A podcast about innovations 6 // Reading Pelebox 7 // Writing Investment research 8 // Spoken English 1.2 How are they gonna find out about it? 44 // UNIT 2 > LIFE CYCLE // Vocabulary Circular economies 9 // Grammar Additional passive structures 10 // Reading My only objective was to make a living 11 // The RealReal Deal Writing Minutes of a meeting 12 // Spoken English 2.4 You cannae see the people you’re talking to 44 // UNIT 3 > FINANCE AND INVESTMENT // Vocabulary Finance and investment 14 // Grammar Expressing attitudes to the future 15 // Reading Sustainable investment and the millennial generation 16 // Writing Budget report 18 // Spoken English 3.2 Mate, you don’t use coupons, vouchers? 45 // UNIT 4 > DISRUPTIONS // Vocabulary Disruptors and disruption 19 // Grammar Hypothesising 20 // Listening Industry disruptors 21 // Reading Collaborative transport model aims to disrupt the disruptors 22 // Writing Supply chain choices 23 // Spoken English 4.1 We browse with our browser on the internet 45 // UNIT 5 > CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT // Vocabulary Influencing customer behaviour 24 // Grammar Participle clauses 25 // Listening Customer engagement strategies 26 // Reading Unilever credit initiative aims to drive Africa revenues 27 // Writing Advertising copy 28 // Spoken English 5.2 And I think that little extra mile is a great way 46 // UNIT 6 > THE BUSINESS OF TOURISM // Vocabulary Tourism and hospitality 29 // Grammar Review of past tenses and discourse markers 30 // Listening The issue of sargassum in Mexico 31 // Reading A photojournalist’s ’paradise’ 32 // Writing Email to a business partner 33 // Spoken English 6.4 It really needs a, a huge overhaul, yeah 46 //
UNIT 7 > MANAGING CONFLICT // Vocabulary Conflict in the workplace 34 // Grammar Hedging and tentative language 35 // Reading Victims of workplace bullying are still let down by poor management 36 // Writing Report on workplace conflict 38 // Spoken English 7.1 Or like a big hospitality section or whatnot 48 // UNIT 8 > MINDSET // Vocabulary The growth mindset 39 // Grammar Verb patterns 40 // Reading Can we learn to be flexible? 43 // Writing Self-assessment 43 // Spoken English 8.1 I’ve been hiding behind this fella for a long time 47 // Answer key 48 // Audioscripts 54

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