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Bibliografická citace

0 (hodnocen0 x )
London ; New York : Rowman & Littlefield International, [2017]
xiii, 245 stran : ilustrace ; 23 cm

ISBN 978-1-78348-961-9 (brožováno)
Radical cultural studies
Obsahuje bibliografii a rejstřík
List of Figures and Table // Acknowledgements // 1 Periodising the 2000s, or, the Emergence of Metamodernism - Robin van den Akker and Timotheus Vermeulen // SECTION I: HISTORICITY // 1 Metamodern Historicity - Robin van den Akker // 2 The Metamodern, the Quirky and Film Criticism - James MacDowell // 3 Toni Morrison’s Beloved and the Rise of Historioplastic Metafiction - Josh Toth // 4 Super-Hybridity: Non-Simultaneity, Myth-Making and Multipolar Conflict - Jörg Heiser // 5 The Cosmic Artisan: Mannerist Virtuosity and Contemporary Crafts - Sjoerd van Tuinen // SECTION II: AFFECT // II. Metamodern Affect - Alison Gibbons // 6 Four Faces of Postirony - Lee Konstantinou // 7 Radical Defenselessness: A New Sense of Self in the Work of David Foster Wallace - Nicoline Timmer // 8 Contemporary Autofiction and Metamodern Affect - Alison Gibbons // 9 The Joke That Wasn’t Funny Anymore: Reflections on the Metamodern Sitcom - Gry C. Rust ad and Kai Hanno Schwind // SECTION III: DEPTH // III. Metamodern Depth, or "Depthiness" - Timotheus Vermeulen // 10 Reconstructing Depth: Authentic Fiction and Responsibility - Irmtraud Huber and Wolfgang Funk // 11 Between Truth, Sincerity and Satire: Post-Truth Politics and the Rhetoric of Authenticity - Sam Browse // 12 Notes on Performatist Photography: Experiencing Beauty and Transcendence after Postmodernism - Raoul Eshelman // EPILOGUE // 13 Thoughts on Writing about Art after Postmodernism - James Elkins // References // Index // About the Contributors

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