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Eleventh edition
Boston : Cengage, [2017]
xv, 496 stran ilustrace, mapy, portréty ; 26 cm

ISBN 978-0-357-67077-4 (brožováno) ISBN !0-357-67077-9 (chyb.)
Terminologický slovník
Obsahuje bibliografii a rejstříky
Prefece xiii // CHAPTER 1 Personality: What It Is and Why You Should Care 1 The Psychoanalytic Approach 35 // CHAPTER 2 Sigmund Freud: Psychoanalysis 37 The Neo-psychoanalytic Approach 79 // CHAPTER 3 Carl Jung: Analytical Psychology 81 // CHAPTER 4 Alfred Adler: Individual Psychology 108 // CHAPTER 5 Karen Horney: Neurotic Needs and Trends 135 The Life-Span Approach 157 // CHAPTER 6 Erik Erikson: Identity Theory 159 The Genetics Approach 191 // CHAPTER 7 Gordon Allport: Motivation and Personality 193 // CHAPTER 8 Raymond Cattell, Hans Eysenck, the Five-Factor Theory, HEXACO, and the Dark Triad 213 The Humanistic Approach 245 // CHAPTER 9 Abraham Maslow: Needs-Hierarchy Theory 247 // CHAPTER 10 Carl Rogers: Self-Actualization Theory 271 The Cognitive Approach 291 // CHAPTER 11 George Kelly: Personal Construct Theory 293 The Behavioral Approach 315 // CHAPTER 12 B. Fj Skinner: Reinforcement Theory 317 The Social-Learning Approach 339 // CHAPTER 13 Albert Bandura: Modeling Theory 341 // V // Preface xiii // CHAPTER 1 Personality: What It Is and Why You Should Care 1 Take a Look at the Word 1 Research in the Study of Personality 24 The Role of Theory in Personality Theories 29 Questions about Human Nature: What Are We Like? 31 Chapter Summary 33 Review Questions 33 Suggested Readings 34 The Psychoanalytic Approach 35 // CHAPTER 2 Sigmund Freud: Psychoanalysis 37 The Life of Freud (1856-1939) 38 Freud Comes to America 42 The Final Years 42 Instincts: The Propelling Forces of the Personality
43 The Levels of Personality 44 The Structure of Personality 45 Anxiety: A Threat to the Ego 47 Defenses against Anxiety 49 Psychosexual Stages of Personality Development 51 Questions about Human Nature 57 Assessment in Freud’s Theory 58 Criticisms of Freud’s Research 60 Extensions of Freudian Theory 73 Reflections on Freud’s Theory 74 Chapter Summary 76 Review Questions 77 Suggested Readings 78 The Neo-psychoanalytic Approach 79 // CHAPTER 3 Carl Jung: Analytical Psychology 81 The Life of Jung (1875-1961) 82 Psychic Energy: The Basis of Jung’s System 86 Aspects of Personality 87 The Development of the Personality 93 Questions about Human Nature 96 // vii

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