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Druhé, doplněné vydání
Praha : Univerzita Karlova, nakladatelství Karolinum, 2023
177 stran : ilustrace ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-80-246-5587-1 (brožováno)
Anglicko-český slovník
Obsahuje bibliografii
Určeno studentům 1. ročníku lékařské fakulty s pokročilou znalostí anglického jazyka
Předmluva // LESSON 1 The Study of Medicine // Introduction to English medical terminology and pronunciation // Important traces in modern medicine // Latin/Greek plurals // LESSON 2 The Structure of the Human Body 16 // Verbs describing the structure of the human body 18 // Countable and uncountable nouns. Articles 19 // LESSON 3 Human Anatomy: Human Body, Body Cavities, Body Planes 21 // Medical and lay terms 25 // Word parts 25 // Giving instructions 27 // LESSON 4 Principle Systems of the Human Body (an overview) 29 // Abbreviations 32 // Symptoms and signs 33 // LESSON S The Skeletal System 35 // Word formation: adjectives 41 // Tenses used in the presenting complaints 42 // LESSON 6 The Muscular System // Taking patient’s history // Tenses used in taking history // 43 // 46 // 47 // LESSON 7 The Integumentary System 49 // Pain 53 // Pain assessment 54 // Past tenses 55 // LESSON 8 The Cardiovascular System 57 // Measurement! 61 // Physical examination 62 // Future forms 63 // LESSON 9 The Lymphatic System 65 // Shapes 68 // Modal verbs 70 // LESSON 10 The Respiratory System 71 // Suffixes for diseases and surgical procedures 74 // Passives 75 // LESSON 11 The Digestive System 77 // Location 82 // Conditionals 83 // LESSON 12 The Urinary System 85 // Measurement II 87 // Word formation: nouns 89 // LESSON 13 The Nervous System 91 // Opposites 94 // Reported speech 95 // LESSON 14 The Reproductive System 97 // Phrasal verbs 101 // The use of -ing forms 102 // LESSON 15 The Endocrine System 104 // Prepositions 108 // Making comparisons 109 // // Listening Materials // 1. Parts of the Human Body 1 // 2. Parts of the Human Body 2 // 3. Giving Instructions // 4. Where Does It Hurt? // 5. The Human Skeleton // 6. Presenting Complaints I // 7. Presenting Complaints II // 8. Taking a History I // 9. Taking a History II // 10. Taking a History III //
11. In the Consulting Room of the Endocrinologist // Supplementary Listening Materials // 1. Asking about Systems // 2. Asking about Symptoms // 3. Diabetes // 4. Using Your Brain // Supplementary Reading Materials // 1. Anaesthesia // 2. Angina Pectoris and Acute Myocardial Infarction // 3. Infectious Diseases // 4. Infectious Mononucleosis // 5. Nutrition // 6. Teeth // 7. Sensation and Sense Organs // 8. AIDS // 9. First Aid for Emergencies // Supplements // Medical Abbreviations // English - Czech Vocabulary // Literature

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