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First published
Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2013]
xii, 247 stran : barevné ilustrace ; 25 cm

ISBN 978-0-19-960178-3 (brožováno)
Obsahuje bibliografii a rejstřík
Preface // Acknowledgements // Part 1 Introduction // Sensory Ecology, Information, and Decision-Making // What is Sensory Ecology? // Many Animals Detect and Use Sensory Information // Humans Cannot Perceive // Asking Questions about Behaviour // Information // 12 // 1.5 Future Directions // 1.6 Summary // 1.7 Further Reading // Part 2 Sensory Processing // 2 Sensing the World 21 // 2.1 Signal Detection 21 // 2.2 Chemical 22 // 2.3 Electricity 24 // 2.4 Light 27 // 2.5 Magnetic 32 // 2.6 Mechanical 35 // 2.7 Sound 36 // 2.8 Future Directions 39 // 2.9 Summary 39 // 2.10 Further Reading 39 // 3 Encoding Information 40 // 3.1 Contrast and Receptive Fields in Vision 41 // 3.2 Sound Localization in Barn Owls 45 // 3.3 Echolocation // 3.4 Olfactory Processing // 3.5 Common Principles across Species and Modalities // 3.6 Future Directions // 3.7 Summary // 3.8 Further Reading // 4 Sensory Systems: Trade-Offs, Costs, and Sensory Integration // 4.1 Energetic Costs of Sensory Systems // 4.2 When Are Sensory Systems Optimized for One Task // Rather than Being Generalized for Many? // 4.3 Trade-Offs in Processing Different Components of Stimuli // 4.4 Integrating the Senses // 4.5 Future Directions // 4.6 Summary // 4.7 Further Reading // Part 3 Communication // 5 Signalling and Communication // 5.1 Signals and Cues 5.2 Signal Components // 5.3 Strategic and Efficacy Costs of Signals // 5.4 What is Communication? // 5.5 There is More to Communication than Just Sensory Systems // 5.6 Future Directions // 5.7 Summary // 5.8 Further Reading // 6 Multimodal Signals and Communication // 6.1 Multimodal, Multicomponent, and Complex Signals // 6.2 What Advantages do Multimodal Signals Provide? // 6.3 A Framework for Multimodal Signals Based on Influence? // 6.4 Examples of Multimodal Communication // 6.5 True Multimodality or Multiple Receivers? // 6.6 Future Directions // 6.7 Summary //
6.8 Further Reading // ... .... // 7.4 Multiple Functions and Trade-Offs in Signal Form 116 // 7.5 Future Directions 118 // 7.6 Summary 118 // 7.7 Further Reading 119 // 8 Deception, Mimicry, and Sensory Exploitation 120 // 8.1 Exploitation and Biases 120 // 8.2 Supernormal Stimuli 127 // 8.3 Anti-Predator Defences: Mimicry and Exploitation 127 // 8.4 Foraging and Prey Capture 129 // 8.5 Aggressive Mimicry 134 // 8.6 Sensory Exploitation by Brood Parasites 136 // 8.7 Future Directions 140 // 8.8 Summary 140 // 8.9 Further Reading 140 // Part 4 Diversification and Divergence 141 // 9 Arms Races, Coevolution, and Diversification 143 // 9.1 Arms Races and Coevolution 144 // 9.2 Predators and Prey 145 // 9.3 Brood Parasites 156 // 9.4 Future Directions 163 // 9.5 Summary 163 // 9.6 Further Reading 163 // 10 Adapting to the Environment 164 // 10.1 Signal Transmission and the Environment 165 // 10.2 Signal Form Under Different Environments 168 // 10.3 Sensory Plasticity and the Environment 170 // 10.4 Tuning of Sensory Systems to Habitats 171 // 10.5 Coping with Environmental Noise 174 // 10.6 Future Directions 177 // 10.7 Summary 178 // 10.8 Further Reading 178 // 11 Divergence, Sensory Drive, and Speciation 179 // 11.1 Divergence and the Environment 180 // 11.2 Elaboration versus Innovation 182 // 11.3 Examples of Divergence and Speciation 184 // 11.4 Sensory Drive and Speciation 194 // 11.5 Future Work 199 // 11.6 Summary 199 // 11.7 Further Reading 200 // Part 5 Conclusions 201 // 12 Concluding Remarks 203 // 12.1 Information is a Concept Linked to the Receiver’s Sensory System // 12.2 Communication // 12.3 Life’s Diversity // 12.4 How Best Can Sensory Ecology Develop from Here? // Bibliography // Index

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